Page 25 of Off the Record

“I see that, and I’m grateful for it.”

He sighs, giving his head a slight shake. “Are you going to the awards banquet to support him?”

“No. To be clear, Leo and I are not and never will be friends. We are cohabiting office space. That is all.” I consider how much to share, but I really do feel like I can trust him. “I’m going to wing-woman for Simone.”

“You don’t have a date?”

“No, nor a dress. I think Simone has a plan to rectify that.”

“Well, you can come asmydate.”

My entire body freezes, molding to the shape of the leather chair. Is he offering just to be nice, or for something more? Howbadly Iwantit to mean something more buzzes through me like an irritating neon sign. “To make Leo jealous?”

He searches my eyes before nodding. “Yeah.”

Hope rushes out of me like a popped balloon. It’s not what I want—but let’s be real, Hudson is dangerous territory anyway. I don’t want to be the flavor of the week. They don’t last long.

Besides, I have zero desire to make Leo jealous. I don’t want to make Leo feelanythingat all.

“It’s okay. Leo isn’t worth?—”

“Not jealous, then,” Hudson says quickly. “To show him you’ve moved on, so he’ll leave you alone.”

Well, that idea has merit.

“Okay,” I say, then shake my head. “I mean, I have to go with Simone.”

“Right, yeah.” He looks flustered. “I’ll meet you there. We can sit together—all of us. And, uh…Leo won’t be anywhere near our table.”

If Leo keeps checking in with me because he’s worried about my mental health and recovery from our breakup, then seeing me with someone else will undoubtedly put those fears to rest. If it’s fake sympathy to rub his relationship in my face, then maybe this will shut him up. It’s really a no-lose situation.

My smile is spreading. “Okay. Now he’ll finally move on.”

He matches it. “I’m guessing Leo regrets ever even looking at that broom closet.”

I roll my eyes, laughing. Maybe it’s immature, but the plan is growing on me. I know I should be more mature than wanting to prove to my ex that I’ve won the breakup, but Hudson is acatch. This is definitely winning. If I’m being honest with myself, I’ll admit I want to go with him just for the sake of going with him.

We chat for a few more minutes before heading back to theRhythmfloor, and it’s not until I reach the elevator that I realize Hudson never took anything from his office.


“Explain this to me again,”Simone says from her bathroom, leaning close to the mirror to affix fake eyelashes to her lids. “You’re going with me, but also with Hudson Owens? And we’ll be sitting at his table? Are you two-timing me, but warning me about it?”

“It’s not a real date.” I sit on her bed and lean over to fasten my black strappy shoes. “He only offered to help me show Leo I’ve moved on so he’ll quit trying to have conversations about our feelings.”

Simone leans out of her bathroom to look at me, one eye lashed up and the other totally naked. Her red dress is sparkly and stunning. “That sounds like a line.”

“You know, I’ve been wondering how much of the dating-his-secretaries thing is real. I hardly ever see him flirting with Andrea when they talk, and she told me his schedule is pretty empty outside of work obligations.”

Simone rolls her eyes. “You’re totally into him.”

Why lie? “Can you blame me?”

“No, but I can worry about you.”

That’s fair. “You’re my date. He’s my decoy.” I grin. “Now, if things go well between you and Phil, I have a ride home.”

She tries to hide her smile, going back into the bathroom to finish her eyelashes. “Fine. But be careful.”