I cried out at how much deeper he went with my legs spread as they were. Unable to keep my head up, I let it drop back, closing my eyes and digging my fingers into the hardmuscles of his arms, and my heel into his tight ass, as he set about fucking me deep and hard.

Needing to see if he was affected as I was, I opened my eyes and looked up to see he was watching me with an intense focus. Biting my lip I arched my back, thrusting my breasts up, wishing he could reach to lick at them. His gaze dropped to my offering and with a growl, he rose up. My hands slipped from his arms, falling to the bed as I moaned at how good his cock felt twitching deep within me as he lowered my leg, guiding it until I wrapped it around his waist.

“Lock your ankles together, babe.”

Wondering what he was gonna do, I followed his instructions. As soon as I did, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to kiss him while his palms slid underneath me: one cupping my ass, one between my shoulder blades. Breaking the kiss, I squealed when he lifted me. Trident buried his face into my neck — kissing, nipping, using his beard to tickle me as he walked away from the bed. With each step his cock moved in interesting ways that had me tightening my thigh muscles and grinding down on his length. His chuckle was deep and gravely and had my body responding with a fresh flood of liquid.

“Fuck, you’re perfect,Ula’ula Mõ’i. Unlink your ankles, and hold on to my shoulders for a minute.”

He moved quickly to get my legs over his arms before gripping my waist in his palms. Then he stepped forward untilmy back hit a wall. I arched away from the cool surface and with a growl, he leaned down to lick over my nipples. Suckling each one a moment before he straightened and briefly took my mouth again.

Then his hips started to move and my brain short-circuited. Holy smokes, this position had me open wide to his invasion. His thrusts took him even deeper, his cock-head touching my cervix each time he bottomed out. The sting of pain with each tap sent a thrill through me that left my head rolling back and forth against the wall, my fingers slipping in the sweat coating his skin until I dug my nails into his upper biceps as I tried to hang on, to find something to anchor myself in the storm that was Trident.

He went wild on me, pounding at a rough pace I’d never have thought I’d like, but did. Well, I didn’tlikeit, I fucking loved it. Trident was ruining me for any other man but that didn’t matter, not when another climax was building within me.

“So fuckin’ good. I’m not gonna last long, but you’re comin’ with me,Ula’ula Mõ’i.”

Without losing his rhythm, he released my right leg, lowering it until my foot was on the floor, then his hand dove between us, going straight for my clit. He flicked and pinched at it as he kept driving in deep, no longer bottoming out but that didn’t make it any less powerful. Every stroke in had my walls rippling around him, every touch to my clit had my pulse increasing. Sweat slicked my body, running down between my breasts as I panted, chanting his name.

“Now, babe. Come for me right fucking now!”

With that he slammed in hard, holding himself deep. His cock kicked within me and warmth bloomed as he filled me up. Panic flared inside me as I realized he hadn’t worn a bloody condom, until he distracted me by pinching my clit as he buried his face in against my neck, the brush of his beard over my flesh mixed with the arousal already spiraling within me and my mind emptied of everything but him. The pleasure he was drowning me with. When he turned his face and sucked on the skin just above my collarbone, marking me, it was enough to push me over the edge. Sending me flying to the stars with how hard I orgasmed.


Moaning, I woke to an aching body. What the bloody hell had happened? Had I been in a car accident or something? Then flashes of memory began rolling through my mind and heat flared between my thighs and my hips tilted forward, my core wanting to be filled again.

Biting my lip to stop a groan from escaping, I peeked through lowered lashes to see if Trident was still beside me. The moonlight streaming in through the window spotlit him. Fucking hell, even in his sleep he looked all masculine and sexy as fuck. How was I meant to resist? We hadn’t pulled the covers up after our last round so he lay sprawled out on his back, one leg out at an angle and his dick laid against it. Even soft, he was big. I bit my lip even harder, until I tasted blood, in order to resist the urge I suddenly had to lean down and take him in mymouth. To feel him harden against my tongue before I straddled him and slid down that delicious length and rode him.

No. Bad Jacie. Bikers are off the menu. Last night was a one off. No repeats.

That made me sigh, because dammit, I sorta wanted to break my rule about bikers that I’d only made last night. Trident let out a small snore and I snapped out of my daydream. I needed to be gone from here before he woke. While I had spent much of the previous night mindless, I did recall all the possessive shit he’d said to me. Along with the fact that he hadn’t used a single condom. I kept meaning to bring it up, but then he’d get his hands, or mouth, on me and my brain shut down. So I couldn’t risk that happening again this morning. Thankfully, I was on the pill, but that didn’t prevent diseases. I slipped from the bed as carefully and quietly as I could. Looking around I spotted my jeans, bra and shirt but no knickers. The increasing amount of moisture coating my inner thighs now that I’d stood up meant going commando wasn’t an option. Seeing Trident’s boxer-briefs, I snagged those along with my clothes and rushed over to the bathroom. After a quick clean up and making a pad out of loo paper to soak things up, I dressed and finger combed back my hair. It was a curly chaotic mess, and I couldn’t do much with it right now, but I did what I could.

Stepping back into the main room, I took in Trident one last time. Still fast asleep, snoring lightly. Man was a work of art, and damn, did he know exactly how to use that fabulous dick of his. And his tongue. And his fingers. Shaking my head, I scoldedmyself again and headed to the door. No matter how tempting it was to go crawl into bed with him again, I couldn’t do it. Nope. I was not going to be the property of some biker. No matter how hot, or how good at blowing my mind, he was.

Slipping out into the hallway, I looked up and down, relieved to see it was clear. I tiptoed down to the room I’d left my stuff in last night, where I’d originally intended to sleep, and unlocked the door. Thankfully, the key had stayed put in my jeans pocket. I rushed to get inside and the door locked behind me. Then I leaned back against it and closed my eyes on a sigh.

What the fuck had I done last night? Unprotected sex with a stranger! A much older, sexy biker of a one-percenter club who no doubt fucked all sorts of skanky women without gloving up. I was going to have to go get tested. It would take fucking months before I’d know I was all clear. Not exactly the birthday present I’d been looking for.

Scrubbing my hands over my face, I felt like screaming into them. But I resisted the urge, not wanting to draw attention. With a tired sigh, I went over to my bag and grabbed the oversized shirt I’d brought to sleep in, some knickers and my toiletries bag before heading to the bathroom. A hot shower was what I needed to clear my head and hopefully ease some of my aches, not that I was complaining. I’d thoroughly enjoyed earning them. Which was a problem because I’d liked it so much, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to resist Trident if I saw him again. Assuming he would still be interested in me with the way I’d just snuck away from him. I’d need to hide out here until the otherclub headed off before I could risk leaving. And I’d make sure if I ever came back to the Charon MC clubhouse, it wasn’t when any of the SCMC brothers were going to be around.

Chapter Four


Since neither of us had thought to shut the curtains last night, when the sun rose enough to hit the window, the rays woke me. While I was not normally a fan of being blasted in the face with a bright light, I didn’t mind it today, not when I had my littleUla’ula Mõ’ibeside me. Reaching down I gave my aching cock a stroke as I rolled over with a grin ready to wake Jacie up in the best way.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

Looked like my morning wood wouldn’t get any relief, since I was fucking alone in the damn bed. Running my hand over the spot where she’d been revealed cold sheets. Shifting to sit on the edge of the bed left me staring through the open door to the clearly empty bathroom. The little coward had snuck off on me. She could think again if she thought I’d give up that easy. I’d claimed her last night. I never fucked a woman without gloving up unless I was making her mine. When I found my little runaway, I’d make sure she knew what being mine meant.

With a shake of my head, I went to the bathroom. If she hadn’t left me with an aching dick, I’d have been impressed at her stealth. Ever since going through USMC Hell Week, I’d woken at the slightest of noises. Seemed like several rounds of sex with Jacie had me sleeping like the dead.

Returning to the room, I snatched up my clothes and cursed again when I noticed what was missing.

“Damn woman.”

Oh, she was gonna pay for this little stunt when I caught up with her. Taking a man’s underwear was not okay, especially when said man was gonna have to ride for over five hours soon. I was well aware my woman would throw it in my face that I hadn’t given her a choice, considering I’d torn hers up in my need to get her naked last night, but that was bullshit. If she hadn’t up and ghosted me, I’d have made sure to have her cleaned up and well taken care of. She wouldn’t have even remembered she was missing her damn panties.