“Peanut butter. And yes, I was a good boy and cleaned her up afterward. But she naturally told her friends about it, who told their friends and by the end of the school year everyone was calling me Trident. Yet another reason I had for wanting to go over to the mainland.”
I was so giving him peanut butter and Trident gum on every one of our anniversaries. That was gold.
He was still looking extremely uncomfortable so I forced my humor down deep and reached my arms out to him.
“I’m very grateful you’ve gotten better at going down on a women than that. And since I’m lasered, there’s no risk of it happening again. Now, come here and snuggle. I’m so bloody tired, I feel like I could sleep for a week.
Within seconds, he had me pressed up against him, my back to his front, his arms around me. One hand cupping my pussy, the other a breast. He nuzzled into my neck, his beard tickling before he pressed a kiss there.
“Night, Ula'ula Mõ'i. Sweet dreams.”
“Hmmm, same to you, babe.”
I was nearly asleep before I finished speaking.
After waking a few times during the night to make love to my woman, we’d both slept in late the next morning. Wouldhave stayed sleeping even longer if it wasn’t for some bastard pounding on the damn door.
“C’mon, Trident! Get your woman and yourself outta bed already. You got visitors waiting on you.”
That had me sitting up, jolting Jacie awake, and making her moan before she rolled over.
“What the fuck you mean I got visitors, Toa?”
His dark chuckle came through the closed door. “Oh, I ain’t ruining their fun. You’ll need to both come out here to see for yourselves. Just hurry up about it, braddah.”
Muttering under my breath, I turned to roll Jacie over onto her back, covering her body with mine, kissing her awake. My cock was hard and throbbed against her soft pussy, and what I wouldn’t give to slide in and fuck her again. But unfortunately I had to resist.
“C’mon, babe. We gotta get up and go see what the fuck Toa is on about with us having visitors.”
With a hum, she wrapped her arms around my neck to pull back in for another kiss.
“It’s probably my brother, with a bunch of Charons. Maybe my Dad.”
Freezing I had a horrible thought: what if it was my family out there. I wasn’t sure how they would have known I was here, and I was sure they’d never stepped foot in an MC club house before. But suddenly I was sure that’s who was out there.”
I pulled on what I’d worn yesterday while Jacie shrugged into a flowing dress one of the other club women had gone out and bought her yesterday. Her hand went over the tattoo, covering it as she looked down at herself. I went to her, pulling her in for a hug.
“No one will judge you for that war wound, babe. We can stick a bandage over it if you’d like. We can look into getting it lasered or covered up once we get back home, yeah?”
She nodded. “A bandage would be good. I don’t want to see it, or have anyone else see it. And I’d already planned on getting it covered up. You know Eagle’s old lady works and owns Silky Ink, right?”
I hadn’t known that; it wasn’t like I’d spent a heap of time studying all the Charon MC members. That was something I’d only done with Jacie.
“I’m sure she’ll take good care of you. Let me check the bathroom for that bandage, then we’ll go see who’s out there.”
Thankfully, the cabinet was well stocked and I had no trouble finding a plaster big enough to fully cover her ink. Once I helped her put it on, and gave her another kiss, I took her hand and opened the door. As soon as we hit the hallway, I realized we were both right. It sounded like a lu?au was going on in the main room.
Jacie cursed under her breath. “Did Toa invite the whole damn island? I have not had enough sleep for this kind of socializing.”
I chuckled, nerves having me gripping her hand tight as we passed from the hallway out into the room that went silent on our arrival.
Nevaeh, Mirabelle and Sparrow all ran towards us, crash hugging Jacie, pulling her away from me and her hand out of mine. But I didn’t fight it, just smiled as I watched her girl crew love on her.
“Jacie! Omg!! I was about to go back and drag you outta bed. I am soo sorry! If I hadn’t been teasing you, you wouldn’t have snuck out by yourself and—”