He narrowed his gaze at me for a few seconds before he obviously saw in my eyes that I was trying to push past it, then his expression cleared and he leaned in and kissed me gently again.

“Well, they’re all fools. C’mon, Ula'ula Mõ'i, let’s get cleaned up and into bed. I wanna sleep all night with you wrapped in my arms, where I know you’ll be safe.”

Pressing my palms against his pecs, I rose up on my toes to kiss him again. “Sounds perfect.”

Taking my hand in his, he led me over to the shower. Once he got the water sorted out, he stepped in and pulled me in against him. Holding me for a few moments before he reached for the soap and started methodically washing me while I traced the lines of his muscles, needing to keep touching him.

We didn’t linger under the water, he looked as tired as I was. He toweled me off, being so heartbreakingly gentle with me, so unlike the usual rough, gruff biker he was. This sweet side was nice though, and it was exactly what I needed after the day I’d had.

“I don’t know your real name.”

He paused toweling himself off to look at me with wide eyes. “Huh, guess it hasn’t come up. Legal name is Kupono Beles, but it’s been a bloody long time since anyone has called me that.”

“My name was Grace Milani, Taz and Mum called me Gracie. You know, before the fire and I went into witness protection. From then on, I was Jacie Lewis.”

He nodded as he tossed the towel aside and took my hand again, leading me into the bedroom.

“Who picked your new name?”

I shrugged a shoulder again. “Not sure exactly. Because I was so young, they went with a name that was similar so I’d remember to answer to it easier. And Lewis is my adoptiveparents’ last name. What about Trident? How’d that come about?”

I’d heard some crazy stories on how men had got their road names, and if the way Trident’s cheeks just flushed red was any indication, his was going to be a good one.

Pulling back the sheets, he helped me in before he flipped on the bedside lamp and went to turn off the main light and check the door was looked. Then he came and joined me, lying on his side next to me.

“You sure you wanna know?”

I nodded, “Even more sure now that I see how nervous you are. C’mon, it can’t be that bad.”

Looking to the ceiling he blew out a breath and muttered something before focusing back on me.

“Not many know this story, and it needs to stay that way, we clear?”

I sat up, shifting so I faced him, more intrigued than ever. “Sure, it goes into my vault.”

He huffed again. “Fine. When I was young and dumb, in my late teens. I used to chew gum all the time.”

I nodded, “Trident brand, yeah?”

“That’s the one. Well, one night, at a party at a classmate’s house, me and a girl both had a little too much to drink and ended up in one of the bedrooms.” He paused, giving his beard a tug. “Are you sure you need to know this shit?”

I was grinning, my heart feeling light at learning this secret part of my man that he’d shared with so few.

“Oh, you know I do. C’mon, T, just spit it out.”

“Fine. I went down on her. But she didn’t shave, and I still had my fucking gum in my mouth.”

I covered my mouth with my hand. “Oh no. Are you telling me…”

He nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. “Yeah, my gum got stuck in her fucking pubic hair.”

I snorted a laugh when I tried to hold it in, not wanting to make him feel worse than he was.

“That’s, um, sorry, T. But that’s the funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time.”

Chuckling, he grinned back. “Yeah, wasn’t my finest moment.”

“How’d you get it out?”