Toa nodded. “It’s served us well. We have dirt bike tracks all over the mountain too. After we get your woman back, I’ll take you and your boys out for a ride. Be like old times, yeah?”
I had to grin at the reminder. From a young age, Toa and I had had dirt bikes, spending our weekends testing our skills and exploring the island.
“That’d be great.”
Parking the car, we grew serious as we exited and he led us over to the biggest of the buildings.
“Welcome to the Losi Kahu MC clubhouse. I’ll have one of the braddahs show you to a couple of rooms you can use while you’re here. While you dump your stuff and get your cuts on, I’ll get a crew and supplies together. We should be back on the road in under ten minutes. Thinking taking cars will be the way to go, the bikes will be too fucking loud. They’ll hear us coming long before we get there.”
As much as we’d be able to get there quicker on bikes, I had to agree with him. The other reason for taking a cage, that none of us wanted to give voice to, was that we didn’t know what condition Jacie would be in when we found her.
True to his word, it was less than ten minutes later that we were heading out the door. Maverick, Grinder and I, along with Toa headed back to the Ford Explorer while six more Losi Kahu braddahs piled into the two Jeeps that had been brought up from a garage further back on the property while we’d been sorting shit out inside. We were now all fully armed for a battle, but there were no guns. The plan was for stealth; to get in and out without gaining attention from anyone outside of Takeda’s property. That meant a whole lot of knives. Although, Toa had also grabbed a hatchet, while one of his brothers, Mene, had taken both a full sized and mini crossbow. The young guys hadgrabbed hunting knives and Tasers, which had Toa shaking his head.
It was utterly insane. But it was also fucking perfect.
Maverick and Grinder had shaken their heads when they looked over all the options. Most of the time, the SCMC went in with guns blazing when we had business to take care of. But I rather loved that Toa had put the effort in to having so many traditional, old school weapons for his crew to use. Many looked to be hand crafted from locally grown timber and tiger shark teeth.
I’d grabbed several modern throwing knives, along with a Pàhoa, a wooden bladed weapon with razor sharp shark teeth all down the curved edge. Swiping it across both Milani’s and Takeda’s throats was something I was looking forward to doing very soon. I’d also slipped what was essentially a set of knuckle dusters, but made from timber with more shark teeth attached across the top edge. It would cause a helluva lot of damage whether I slashed it or cracked with it. The weapons were brutal and primal, and worthy of what we were heading to do: rescue of an innocent; one of our family.
As we’d discussed earlier, all three cars pulled off the road about a quarter of a mile from the property. We quickly piled out, and three of the younger Losi Kahu braddahs moved to the driver seats to move the vehicles further away until they got word to come in, while the remaining six of us took off down the road. All the trees and shit made it easy to stay hidden as we worked our way quickly up the street. I had a throwing knife in my hand ready and Mene, one of the local crew had his crossbow loaded and ready to shoot.
Jogging beside Toa felt right, like old times and how it was meant to be. As much as I loved my SCMC brothers, I hadn’t grown up with them, hadn’t gone through USMC bootcamp and deployments by their sides. Toa was the closest thing I’d everhad to a blood brother, and I hadn’t fully realized how much I’m missed him until now.
Mene had led the way, and as we got near the property line, he stopped to lift and aim his crossbow. He shot two arrows, both landing with quiet thunks. He must have shot true, as the men made no sound other than the thud of their bodies falling. We jogged up the drive but didn’t stop at the front door. One of the other Losi Kahu took off to the left, while Mene, after he’d slung the larger weapon over his back and grabbed his smaller one, had moved further ahead of us and away from the house to the right. Their jobs were to clear the grounds of all outside guards, call an all clear to the drivers to bring the vehicles in, then come back us up inside.
From what we’d been able to find online, the easiest place to gain entrance was through the rear of the house where there was a wide series of bi-fold doors between the outside pool and the inside living room. We hoped they were open as they’d been in the old realtor page we’d found. If not, Maverick had grabbed a glass cutter, while Grinder had a lock pick he was very good at using.
Unlike Mene, I stuck close to the house as I led my small team toward the back, shaking my head as I stepped over the dead man with an arrow in his eye. Reaching the end of the wall, I pressed up against the bricks before carefully looking around the corner, grateful for the palms and other plants along the rear wall that hid me from view. Not that there was anyone around to see me. Happy to see the doors were wide open, I signaled the others to follow me. Staying low, we silently moved over the tiles, keeping close to the plants as we approached the opening. The closer we got, the more we could hear of what was going on inside. Not that it helped, since they weren’t speaking English. There was also a buzzing noise that stopped and started regularly. I paused and cocked my head to try to hear it better.I’d definitely heard it before, but for the life me, I couldn’t identify it.
Grinder moved up beside me, speaking directly into my ear so the sound didn’t travel.
“Tattoo machine.”
Looking down at my feet for a moment, I ground my teeth in anger, and disbelief, because now that Grinder had suggested it, I knew he was right. Someone in that house was getting a fucking tattoo, and what’s the bet it wasn’t Milani or Takeda.
Raising my head, I looked first at Grinder and Maverick, then Toa in the eye, seeing my own rage and agony reflected back at me in each man. I mouthed the words, “They all die today.”
All three nodded and tapped their fists over their hearts, in a silent vow. Then we got back to work, continuing with renewed determination to get inside and take these fuckas down.
Chapter Twelve
After seeing the responses from Trident, Taz and Keys, I was feeling pretty confident I wouldn’t be stuck here for long. I’d just finished brushing out my damp hair when my uncle came banging on my door before unlocking it and coming in.
“You better be ready, Grace. I will drag you out there if I need to.” I set the brush down just as he appeared in the bathroom’s doorway, “Dammit, why is your hair still wet? You really don’t want to start off on the wrong foot with Kenjiro, Grace.”
I glared fire his way. “You do realize that half an hour is not much time to get ready? Especially if you want someone with my amount of hair to wash and dry it.”
He shook his head, dismissing the conversation. “At least you’re wearing the dress left for you. C’mon, he’s waiting.”
Taking a deep breath, I straightened my shoulders and followed my uncle out of my room and down the hallway and out into the living room. Two men stood in front of the open doorway, looking out of the pool to the coastline beyond, with their hands clasped behind their backs.
“Kenjiro, as promised, I deliver Grace Milani to you.”
As my uncle spoke, the two men turned to face us. One wore a suit and looked like the rich arsehole he no doubt was. It wasn’t like nice folks went around buying people, right? The other wore suit pants but no jacket, he also had his sleeves rolled up over his arms, and a gun and knife attached to his belt. Clearly the muscle out of the pair, and most likely Kenjiro’s personal bodyguard.