He nodded absently. “You’ll find out soon enough. Right, this is your room. Private bathroom and walk in robe” he pointed as he spoke “You’ll find both stocked with everything you need. Change into the outfit left on the bed, nothing other than what is there. Understand? You don’t need shoes. You have about half an hour. If you’re not ready, I’ll drag you out there naked. No skin off my nose.”
Thrusting me into the room, I spun to glare at him. “Do you feel no familial ties to me? A little concern over what’s going to happen to me?”
That shark smile of his made another appearance. “Of course I totally acknowledge that we are related. It’s the reason selling you benefited me so much.” He moved to close the door but paused. “Oh, all the windows and exterior doors are locked and are alarmed. Don’t waste your time trying to escape, even if you did make it outside, the roaming guards would pick you up in seconds.”
The snick of the lock after he closed me in had fury filling me, until I had to vent some of it. With it and with a scream, I tossed my handbag onto the bed. A soon as it landed, I winced as I recalled my phone was in there and I needed it to not be broken. Then Trident’s deep voice filled my mind, saying how important it was to always thoroughly check any new area you found yourself in before lowering your guard. Before getting my phone out, I quickly looked through each part of my prison. Shaking my head when I discovered that while the walk in robe was filled with clothes my size, there were no shoes. No doubt my sandals had vanished from beside the door too. Did they honestly think that would stop me from trying to leave? I’d walk over broken glass to be free of these people.
With a sigh, I grabbed the clothing that had been left for me to wear. A simple sleeveless dress in a stunning Hawaiian themed fabric; white with large blue flowers. The top part wasstretchy and would hug my chest snuggly, I prayed it would be tight enough to stay up considering it wasn’t like I had huge boobs to anchor it. I cringed at the lacy G-string and strapless bra that was way racier than anything I’d pick to wear myself.
“Well, chick. This is life for now.”
Grabbing my handbag, I went into the bathroom, tossing the outfit onto the counter before going to lock the door. I hadn’t seen any cameras, but those fuckers could be super small and I couldn’t be one-hundred percent sure there weren’t any. Leaning against the door as an extra barrier. After taking my phone out of my bag, I powered it on. As I waited for it to load up, I pondered over who I should contact. Strangely, it was Trident that came to mind first. Probably because I’d just been thinking about him as I’d searched. Taz was the more logical choice, or Keys who ran Athena Security for the club. The moment the screen lit up, I fumbled to get it on silent as it started to ping with a bunch of missed calls and texts.
“Whoa, well, okay then.”
There were dozens of messages and calls from various people. Including one from my father, a request to call him urgently. Guess he got wind of Uncle Terrence’s plan just a fraction too late. The last message was from Trident:
I will find you, Ula’ula Mõ’i. Hold on.
Leaning my head back against the door, I squeezed my eyes closed as tears leaked down my cheeks. I loved him. It was completely insane, we’d only know each other such a short time, but there was no denying what was in my heart and soul.
Dashing the tears away, I forced myself to focus on the present. I’d seen how fast an MC could get shit done, so didn’t contact Dad and the AFP but instead set up a text to go to Taz, Trident and Keys.
Taken by Terrance Milani. Sold to Kenjiro Takeda. In Princeville Kaua’i. Unsure how many guards.
That should cover the basics. Once Keys got my message, he’d know my phone was on and track it to pinpoint my exact location. When Trident got it, he’d know what direction to come while he waited for Keys to give him more information. Returning my phone to my bag, I set it on the bench near the sink, then went and turned the insanely big shower on. As I stood under the warm water, Trident’s nickname for me played through my mind. He’d said it was Hawaiian, and he did have the tanned complexion that could be from having Hawaiian heritage. What were the chances he was from this island though? That he’d have support here to help him rescue me.
As much as I wanted to get out of the airport and start searching for Jacie as fast as possible, I was nervous as hell about the greeting I was in for.
Grinder was looking around with wide eyes and shook his head when we came off the plane and into the interior of the small airport.
“Fuckin’ open air terminal. For real. Wouldn’t believe this shit if I wasn’t seeing it.”
I looked around, taking in the two luggage carousels on either side of the large open space. It did have a roof, but only half walls and planter boxes to separate it from the outside. Not much had changed in the last couple of decades, other than the expected TSA and tech additions. Although I hadn’t expected anything different, things on Kaua’i ran at a slower, more relaxed pace. My city born and bred brothers would be in for quite the culture shock.
“Is there seriously a fuckin’ rooster walking through here like he owns the damn place?”
Grinning I watched the little guy strut his way across the floor before hopping up into a raised garden bed.
“Yeah, those little suckers are everywhere across the island. Hey, braddah. It’s been a minute. We gotta catch up in person more often than every twenty fucking years, yeah?”
Noa ‘Toa’ Wailani was a big man; he came in at six foot five, towering over my six two. He had broad shoulders and the solid build of a traditional Hawaiian warrior. He’d always looked that way, and had earned the nickname Toa, Hawaiian for warrior, before we hit the USMC. His black hair was cropped short and it looked like he hadn’t shaved for a day or two. He wore a tank under his colors, showing off the full sleeves of Hawaiian themed ink that covered arms down to his wrists. Those were new since I’d last seen him, but then, I had more than a touch of ink he didn’t know about. I was shocked to see the patch on his cut declaring he was the president of his club. We really did need to talk more often.
I reached a hand toward him, unsure if he’d want to greet me as we’d used to. He took my hand and shook it, as he reached with his other arm to pull me in to greet with breath. Resting a palm on the back of my neck and his forehead against mine, I closed my eyes while gripping the back of his neck in return. Fuck, I’d missed him.
“Damn, it’s good to see you. Wish it was under better circumstances, but I’ll take what I can get.”
He turned to my club brothers and I introduced them.
“Maverick, our club VP and Grinder, club secretary.”
He gave each man a nod in greeting as I’d said their names.
“Welcome to Kaua’i, braddahs. I’m Toa, president of the Losi Kahu MC. I’ve known Trident since we were both in diapers, served with him in the USMC. His pain is mine and I have my club ready to help in any way we can to rescue his woman.”