He’d always been a big believer in the old ways, teaching me all about the legends and history of the Hawaiian people. He fished every day the weather permitted, selling his catch at the local markets, while my mother kept the house and tended the garden, growing all manner of thing that would be sold at the markets along with the fish. Neither had ever left Kaua’i, not even to go to the Big Island, so I got they couldn’t understand my desire to see the world.

I blew out a breath, wishing I could just go to fucking sleep instead of reliving all this shit. But now I’d started on this path down memory lane, I couldn’t seem to turn it off. Memories of how I’d ignored their threats and continued to enlist. How I’d assumed they’d come around, be fucking proud of me. And how damn wrong I’d been.

When it was time to ship out, Dad had refused to take me to the airport, telling me he refused to help me go to die halfway around the world in some desert I had no business being in. I’d gotten so mad. Said things I shouldn’t have. Called him a coward, told him our warrior ancestors he’d taught me so much about would be disgusted with how he was treating me. Mum had started crying like she’d just been sentenced to the gallows and between that and my words, Dad lost his shit. It was the only time I’d ever seen him completely lose his temper. Only time he’d ever thrown a punch my way too.

My heart ached as I recalled walking away from them that day. Having to hitchhike my fucking way to the airport to meet up with Tao. Both of us being awkward as hell as we ignored my bruised eye and cheek even though he had to have guessed how I’d gotten it, while we waited to board our flight for San Diego to start basic training, at Parris Island. That had been the last time I’d seen or spoken to either of my parents. They’d written to me several times over the following couple of years, but Inever opened them. I’d had enough to deal with on deployments without adding my mother’s drama to it.

An announcement warning we were coming in to land in Phoenix pulled me back to the present and I switched my focus to potential plans on how I was going to first locate, then rescue my woman.

Turning to Maverick, I caught his attention. “You got Keys’ number?”

“Yeah, why?”

With only half hour between our flights, we wouldn’t have long to get shit done before we needed to board.

“While we’re making our way to the next gate, can you check in with him for an update while I see if I can get hold of Tao?”

He nodded, “I was thinking along the same lines. Grinder, you call Viper, see what news he has for us.”

The second the seatbelt sign dinged off, we were up and moving, making sure we could get off the plane as soon as possible. We had shit to do and plans to make.

Hold on, Ula’ula Mõ’i, I’m coming for you.

Chapter Eleven


As much as I didn’t want to be handed over to some Yakuza bastard, I couldn’t wait to get off this fucking plane. My uncle had taken great joy in using the stewardess to make me as uncomfortable as possible. I’d have felt sorry for her, but she’d appeared to honestly enjoy the attention; snuggling up to my uncle or disappearing with the pilot every chance she got.

At least my headache had eased after I’d eaten and taken some meds.

When she came sauntering down from the cockpit toward us, I couldn’t hold back the sigh. Having to watch another round would surely have me throwing up the little I’d managed to eat.

She stopped next to my uncle’s seat and before she could utter a word, he’d thrust one hand between her thighs and used the other to tug on one of her nipple rings. Her voice, now breathy as she stuttered her way through what she came to tell him. “The pilot, ah, would like you to know, hmmm, that we’re about to start our decent into Lihu’e.” She paused to moan, “Did you need anything before I get things put away, in preparation for landing?”

Uncle Terrence smirked my way as he continued to play with her. “I think we can get another orgasm or two outta you before then, don’t you think, pet?”

She gripped the top of his seat with one hand as she lifted her leg, placing her foot on the seat between his legs and giving him one helluva view of all her pink bits.

“Hmm, such a good girl.”

I gagged, on the verge of throwing up.

“I’m heading to the bathroom.”

His laughter mixed in with the wet suction sounds of him finger fucking the chick as I raced to the rear of the plane and shut myself into the bathroom. Leaning over the toilet, I mostly dry retched until sweat slicked my face. Dizzy, probably due to being at least slightly concussed thanks to Animal, I struggled to my feet and turned to the hand basin. After washing my hands and rinsing out my mouth, I cupped water in my hands to splash over my face, grabbing some paper towels to dry off.

Gripping the sides of the sink I stared at my pale face in the mirror.

“How the hell am I gonna get outta this one?”

Opening drawers, I found a disposable toothbrush kit and used it, taking my time so hopefully my uncle was finished before I had to go back out there. A tap on door was followed by the attendance’s voice.

“Ma’am? You need to return to your seat now.”

“Be out in a sec!”

Tossing the toothbrush into the trash, I unlocked the door and made my way back to my seat, trying to ignore the way my uncle smirked.