“What the fuck do you mean she was snatched?”

Nevaeh opened the door before I finished speaking, her expression filling with fear as she silently stepped aside to let me pass. I rushed in, hoping somehow Stone was wrong but Jacie’s empty bed dashed that hope.

Stone’s tone was harsh, like he was blaming me for this shit. “I mean, I just saw her get pistol-whipped and tossed into the back of a SUV, brother.”

The sirens in the background got louder, forcing me to yell to make sure he’d hear me.

“Tell me you’re following them.”

He growled back at me, fury clear in his tone. “I couldn’t fucking follow her because I’m busy trying to keep enough of Animal’s blood inside his body so the dumb fuck doesn’t die on us. Why the fuck weren’t you with her? Thought you were meant to be on her ass twenty-four/seven.”

Nothing about this was making sense. Why would Jacie have gotten up at the crack of dawn? Because that’s how early she’d have to have left for me to have not seen or heard her go. The sirens finally cut out.

“I gotta go. Call Viper and get after her, Trident. I’ll handle Animal.”

Nevaeh lowered her phone and tears tracked down her cheeks as she stared at Sparrow. “Her phone’s off. How are we gonna find her?”

Sparrow’s jaw clenched and she got a determined look in her gaze that I could appreciate. That girl had a core of steel and would not hesitate to do whatever was needed to help find her friend. “I’ve got an idea.”

After dialing her cell she lifted it to her ear and looked me in the eye as she spoke into it. “Hey Keys. Jacie’s been taken and her phone’s off. Can you track her?”

She lowered her gaze with a wince, and I could just hear his voice so I knew he was yelling.

“I don’t know what happened, Keys! All I know is she’s gone and I have Trident here up in my grill.”

Just as someone started knocking on the door she strode up to me. “He wants to talk to you.”

“Hey Keys. Just a sec.” Pulling the phone from my mouth I called out to Sparrow who’d headed to the entrance of the room. “Don’t open the fucking door!”

Keys pulled my attention back to him. “It’s fine Trident, it’s a couple of our guys. Jazz and Gypsy, good guys. Solid. They’ve been tailing the girls since they left. Tell me what happened.”

Good thing they were friendlies because Sparrow had ignored me and opened the door to let in two men. When I saw they were both indeed wearing Charon MC colors, I focused back on Keys.

“Not one hundred percent sure. I was in the room across from the girls. Been up since the sun rose waiting for them to leave their rooms, but somehow missed Jacie leaving. Stone just called me, told me a suit snatched her from a parking lot two blocks down from the hotel. Only other details were that she was pistol-whipped and tossed into a black SUV, and he’s still there trying to stop Animal from bleeding out. He ended the call when the ambulance arrived. That’s all I got.”

“Damn. Fuck. Okay, her phone is off, so I can’t get her location right away. So long as it doesn’t have a flat battery, I’ll work on seeing if I can get around that to get the location, but I can’t promise it’ll work. That’s assuming she still has it with her. I’ve got Arrow here looking through the CCTV cameras outside the hotel to track her that way. Any idea on a time she would have left?”

“More than half hour ago if she left before I was up, which she must have been or I would have heard her leave.”

“Right. I normally do a little something else to keep our women and kids safe, but Jacie’s too fucking smart for her own good. Didn’t take her long to find and ditch them. I’ll keep you posted when we know anything. You do the same, yeah?”

“Definitely. Talk soon.”

As soon as I ended the call, Sparrow had her hand out for her phone. Before I handed it over, I texted Keys’ number to myself. As she took it from me, I nodded toward the back corner of the room where one of the Charon’s men were kneeling in front of Mirabelle, who had curled into a ball on the floor, half hidden by the curtains. Her body rocked while she chewed at her thumb-nail. Lost within her mind, she appeared completely oblivious to the man beside her, or anything else. With the vacant look in her eyes, one that I’d seen on my men’s faces who were struggling with flashbacks, I guessed she was having some sort of PTSD episode.

“What’s up with her?”

Sparrow glanced over with a wince. “Not my story to tell. Just know all of this is flipping a whole lot of Mirabelle’s triggers. Gypsy’ll take care of her.” She turned back to me. “What did Keys say? He tracking her?”

I shook my head, “You know her phone is either turned off or flat, that’s assuming she even has it. What makes you think Keys could track her?”

A blush pinkened her cheeks as she cleared her throat, but when she went to speak again, Jazz stepped in close to her. “Sparrow, shut it. You know better than to share club secrets like that.”

The fire that filled her gaze as she turned on the idiot had my heart aching with how it reminded me of Jacie. Fuck, where was my woman right now?

I didn’t bother telling the little Charon bastard that I was SCMC and outranked him, and that he had to tell me whatever the fuck I ordered him to. Keys had told me enough for me to know he obviously somehow low-jacked the club’s women and kids. It was a good fucking idea, and one I’d be bringing up at Church for us to replicate. Plus, I didn’t need to rip the guy a new one because Sparrow was already doing just that. Ignoring the two of them, I paced while I sent a text to Viper. Keeping it brief, I let him know that Stone was with Animal on the way to hospital and that Jacie had been taken. Also told him that Keys was working on getting her location, and I was waiting with the remaining Charon crew until I heard back from him.

Tilting my neck each way to stretch it out, I cursed. I fucking hated the waiting. Knowing my woman needed me, I was willing and able to do just that, but without even a general direction to head in, I was stalled out. And it was fucking killing me. When my phone buzzed I didn’t even check caller ID before I had it to my ear.