Jacie was turning out to be quite an intriguing puzzle. She definitely wasn’t who I’d expected her to be from what I’d heard about her. Hertake no shitattitude certainly didn’t match her sweet looks, that was for sure.

As I looked my fill, I took the beer bottle and began to pick at the label. I sure as shit wasn’t going to open the damn thing with how she’d slammed it down. I wasn’t looking for a beer shower.

She was a pretty little thing. Short; I’d guess five-one, maybe five-two. Long, wavy, naturally light red hair, pale skin with some freckles. She looked like a fucking teenager. All sweet and pure. But that mouth on her soon proved that idea wrong. She was no innocent angel. Although, considering she was bothAustralian and Taz’s sister, I really should have expected at least a little sass.

And fuck me, because if she’d been that sweet little girlie I’d first thought she was, I could have done what I’d originally intended to, then walked away. But not now. That spine of steel of hers tripped my switch in a big way, and I wanted more. My rock-hard cock throbbed in agreement.

When she set an unlabeled bottle of dark liquid down next to the other shit she’d gathered, I frowned at it.

“What the fuck is that?”

Since she hadn’t told me what she was making when I’d asked earlier, I had no clue. It wasn’t like I was a connoisseur of mixed drinks or some shit. Since I mostly just did shots with the brothers, I barely tasted any alcohol I drank. Most of the crap we had at the SCMC clubhouse was well quality and wasn’t worth fucking tasting anyhow.

She glared at me again. Fuck, that fire that flared in her blue irises did something for me too. The throbbing in my groin was getting uncomfortable, and if I didn’t think she’d throw a bottle at my head for it, I’d adjust myself, but self-preservation had me putting up with my dick hurting. For the moment, at least.

“Why are you still here bothering me?”

I gave her a sly grin, more than ready for our next round of banter. “Where the fuck did you think I’d be exactly? Especially since I’m still waitin’ on some answers.”

She tilted her head back, closing her eyes for a second before looking at me again with a huff. The movement pushed her tits up and drew my attention their way. As I thought about what color her nipples might be, what they’d taste like as I ran my tongue over each one, nipping them when they tightened up…

“Oh, for fucks sake. My face is up here. You want answers?” She lifted the unlabeled bottle. “This is simple syrup. Yes, it’s notclear like normal. That’s because I make it special. The way I like it. The way my dad taught me. And I’m making myself an Old Fashioned. Now you can go the hell away.”

Yeah, that sass of hers did something for me in a big way.

“Think I’ll stay right where I am and try one of those drinks you’re making myself. Why dontcha grab another glass and make me one too?”

When she clenched her fists against the bar top as she looked down at her feet, I barely resisted the urge to chuckle. A true redhead, her temper flared fast and bright. Making the most of her looking away, I adjusted my dick so it wasn’t pressed up against my zipper. My thin boxer-briefs hadn’t formed much of a barrier. Thankfully, she didn’t look back at me until after I got done. I could only imagine what fury she’d have spit my way if she’d busted me.

“What do I need to do or say to make you go the fuck away and leave me alone?”

“Why you want me gone?” I cocked my head toward the rear of the clubhouse. “From what I heard out there, you’re looking for some male attention tonight. And let me tell you, babe, I ain’t some pissant prospect. I’m not scared of your brother, or any other Charon, for that matter. So why you trying so hard to send me on my way?”

She froze for a few moments, just blinking. Guess she either hadn’t thought it through, or didn’t like I’d caught the earlier altercation in the yard. Sucked to be her, because everyone out there had caught that drama. Taz hadn’t exactly been subtle about ripping that prospect a new asshole for daring to touch his precious baby sis. I’d also heard how Animal and a few of the other SCMC brothers had proceeded to turn getting into her panties into a fucking game. They wanted to mess her up as much as possible, all in the name of getting even with Tazand his old lady, Flick, for what she’d pulled at our clubhouse a couple of years back.

That was something I wasn’t ever gonna stand by and watch happen to any woman. So, pretending like I hadn’t heard their bullshit, I casually strode off and followed her when she’d come in here. While I was with her, she’d be safe from my club brothers and their games. Since I’d spotted three of them come and go from the room so far and expected to see more, I knew I’d cop some shit later for cock-blocking them. But such was life. And a small price to pay to keep the little spitfire in front of me safe.

Although, when I’d followed her, I hadn’t expected to like the girl, uh, woman. Made me feel better that despite all her hissing and spitting, the fact that she hadn’t called her brother in, told me she wasn’t really all that upset with me hanging around. And I hadn’t missed her checking me out earlier. She liked what she saw and was feeling me. No matter what she tried to tell me or herself.

Wanting to break the silence, I nodded to the dark simple syrup. “Didn’t think you liked your dad. Why copy his favorite drink?”

Her head jerked up as she leveled a glare with so much heat in it, if I’d been a lesser man, I might have run away. Gotta love a fiery redhead.

“Ihatedmy sperm donor. He murdered my mum and tried to kill me. Then came after my brother and his family to do the same bloody thing to them. I was proud to be able to help take that bastard out. I have never wanted a damn thing from that piece of shit.”

Straightening on the stool, I held up my palms. “Just a question, babe. You were the one who mentioned him.”

With a shake of her head, the fire left her gaze as she grabbed another glass, setting it beside hers before she started pouring various liquids into them.

“I meant my adoptive dad. The man who raised me.”

“But he didn’t take in Taz? I don’t get that. None of the stories I’ve heard about either of you has answered that one.”

Finished with the various bottles, she put them away before moving to add a scoop of ice into each glass. She grabbed for a jar of maraschino cherries and popped one into each drink before she set one in front of me gently.

“Your drink.” She didn’t remove her hand from the glass, even when I took advantage and slid my fingers over hers, loving how my calluses caught on her smooth skin, while I looked her in the eye as she spoke. “And I don’t know you nearly well enough to be giving you any of my family history. Especially since it’s clear it would just be added to club gossip.”

Having said what she clearly thought would be her final words to me, she pulled her hand away before focusing on doing a quick tidy up, wiping down the bar top, then grabbed her glass and moved out from behind the bar. Turning, I watched the sway of her hips until she slipped into one of the booths along the rear wall. She’d picked one deep in the shadows, clearly wanting to be alone. Shouldn’t have been a big ask since we were the only ones in here. The coward of a prospect who’d been manning the bar hadn’t returned, and with the weather being so nice, along with the fact there was food and drink outside, no one was hanging out in here.