When my mind flickered back online Trident was no longer lying over me, instead, he was now propped up on one elbow by my side, tracing patterns over my body with his fingertips. His touch was featherlight, but it was enough to bring my nerves to life and with a moan I squirmed, rubbing my thighs together until I felt the moisture pooling beneath my butt, reminding me that yet again he hadn’t used a condom.
Tensing, I reached over and caught his hand with mine, stopping his caresses. His gaze snapped to mine with a frown, like he had no fucking clue why I was glaring at him.
“You didn’t use a condom, Trident.Again.”
Worry cleared from his expression, which was not what I expected. “Of course I didn’t. You’re mine, babe. I ain’t ever gloving up when I’m fucking my old lady.”
With a growl, I released his hand to shove at his chest, rolling him to his back before I sat up, turning to swing my legs over the side of the bed before I looked back at him. Fury had tears stinging my eyes. This man!
“You are un-fucking-believable. How many women have you fucked lately? Dammit, Trident. I’ve heard stories about how women constantly throw themselves at bikers, how the club whores don’t have a say if a man uses a condom or not. I could have caught any number of fucking diseases! And, not that you’ve fucking asked, but I’m on the Pill so no worries about pregnancy.”
As I went to stand his arm banded around my middle and I found myself being hauled back across the bed to where I’d woken up. Pinned down with his large body over me, caging me in, with his face about an inch above my own so I could see just how furious I’d made him. Fear mixed in with my anger, triggering my temper, but before it flared out of control, he started speaking, his voice low and lethal.
“I wouldneverfucking risk you like that. Never put you in any sort of danger. I haven’t gone without a glove since I was too young and dumb to know any better. Keeping healthy has always been a priority for me, that means I get regular check-ups so I can tell you with certainty that I’m clean. As far as me not asking if you were on the Pill, well, that’s because you’re my woman, my old lady, and part of that plan is to knock you the fuck up and raise some kids together, yeah? Figure, the sooner I can manage that, the sooner I can stop worrying about if you’ll decide to up and ghost me one day.”
I winced at the reminder over how much I’d hurt him last weekend. “I really am sorry about sneaking out on you like that.”
He lowered to drop a kiss on my mouth before returning to his earlier position beside me and trailed his fingers in small circles over my hip, then over to my belly button.
“Dare say it’s the universe throwing some fucking karma my way for all the shit I’ve pulled in the past. But I’m serious about wanting your fucking vow that you won’t do that shit again. We talk shit out, we do not run off and hide.”
He tweaked a nipple when I didn’t respond straight away.
“Fine! I promise I won’t ghost you again. That we’ll talk shit out.” I didn’t voice the “before I leave” I said in my head, because I wasn’t ready to commit for forever. It had only been a bloody week!
He nodded, a satisfied smile curling his lips.
“Oh, and another thing, you’ll be wearing an SCMC old lady cut when you head back to Bridgewater. I won’t have you running around unpatched.”
And just like that my mood was back to black. “Dammit, no, Trident! No patching me. I’m not a damn bike! I’m a person. No one is gonna own me.Ever.”
He sighed, his eyes closing for a minute before he opened them and pinned me with a hard stare.
“Jacie, you knew damn well what accepting my claim would entail. I know you did because your brother has an old lady who wears his patch.”
Suddenly feeling way too vulnerable lying naked beside him, I wanted to go find some damn clothes and get dressed before we had this conversation. But as soon as I went to roll to the side of the bed, his arm shot out over my stomach, pinning me to the bed as he growled his next words.
“Seriously? Youjustfucking promised me you wouldn’t run, that you’d talk to me, and already you’re breaking it? You’ve gotta stop trying to take off every time I say something you don’t fucking like, dammit!”
I bared my teeth at him. “I wasn’t going to run away, you bloody caveman. I was just going to clean up and put some clothes on before we finished talking!”
Between one breath and the next, he had my wrists pinned above my head to the pillow, one in each of his hands. He shifted his body over me, so his bulk pressed me into the mattress, the hot length of his erection nestled against my pussy, sending shards of arousal through me even as fury swirled within me at being trapped so easily. The smirk he flashed at how I’d instinctively pressed my hips up against him wasn’t helping my mood either.
“I like you naked, babe. And it has the added benefit that the next time I say somethin’ you take offense to, I got some extra time to catch you before you hit the door. Also, means I can more easily fuck some sense into you once you’re done throwing your fit.”
I glared fire at him as I twisted and tugged at my wrists. How dare he?
It was my turn to growl some words his way. “Throwing a fit? Like I’m a fucking toddler. If you think I’ll ever let you touch me, let alone fuck me, again after you accuse me of being a damn child when all I want is not to beowned, you’re fucking nuts.”
He huffed out a breath. “You really got a chip on your shoulder about your age, huh? You might be several years younger than me, babe, but trust me, I’m well aware you’re all woman. Never once have I thought you were a child, no matterwhat endearment I call you. Hell, half the time I call my brothers boys and they’re all grown ass men.”
I clenched my jaw at his logical point. No one seemed to be able to understand how frustrating it was to not only be constantly referred to as Taz’s “baby sister”, but to also be treated like I was still that little kid. I was a fully trained AFP operative, dammit! And I hadn’t been a child since the day my father had murdered my mother and lit the fire that was meant to take my life. So yeah, I got a little mad whenever I was accused of acting like a kid. Since I didn’t think Trident would be any different from any of the other bikers I’d tried to explain it to, I figured it would be a waste of time to try with Trident now.
“Well, just stop calling me girlie or accusing me of having a “fit” and things will go a lot smoother. But I’m serious about not wearing anything that has the words “property of” on it.”
Closing his eyes on a sigh he pressed his head against my forehead, our noses touching briefly, before he lifted back up. “Jacie, being a biker’s property, his old lady, ain’t like you’re a fucking table or something. It means you belong to me, and me to you.”
He paused and flexed his hips, rubbing his erection through my wet folds and making me shudder beneath him.