She sputtered and cursed before she rolled over and stood beside the bed and pointed back at me.

“You’re an arse! Telling me to strip after spanking my buttdoes not count as foreplay. For fuck’s sake.” She shook her head, anger putting fire in her gaze that shouldn’t turn me on more, but it so fucking did. “I’m done with this bullshit. And with you. Go find some other chick to stalk. I’m going back down to my friends.”

Oh hell no was she leaving. Not this room and not me. No fucking way.

Springing up from the bed I rushed over and caught her before she could get more than a few steps. Slinging her over my shoulder, I returned to the bed and tossed her onto the mattress. With a squeal of outrage, she shoved her hair out of her face. I started speaking before she could.

“We had this trouble last weekend too. Seems you have a real issue when it comes to following directions. That ain’t gonna fly, babe. Don’t mind if you’re doin’ it to fire me up, but I get the feeling you’re playing some sort of alpha game that you ain’t gonna win, babe. And if you try to pull this in front of the brothers, that little tap I gave you earlier is nothing on what I’ll be forced to do. Club rules, Jacie. Disrespect ain’t taken lightly. And punishment would be public.”

In the bedroom, if she wanted to play that way every now and then, that was more than fine with me. I’d always push back, prove to her I was strong enough to be everything she needed her man to be. Then I’d have her screaming in pleasure until she forgot about anything else but the orgasms I could give her. But I wasn’t gonna tolerate her refusing to do every single fucking thing I asked of her. Especially not when we weren’t alone.

She shook her head, and I swear tears glossed her eyes for just a moment, along with a flash of fear, maybe vulnerability, before her lips pressed into a firm line and the fire of her temper took over, pushing all her other emotions aside.

After sitting up, she moved to kneel, then shuffled over until she was close enough she could shove at my chest with both her palms. Anticipating she’d do just that, I’d braced myself so I barely moved which just ignited her fury all the more.

“If that’s what you need, then why the fuck do you want me? Clearly, I’m not nearly submissive enough for you. And I won’t change. I will never be some little ‘yes’ woman. Why don’t you just cut bait and run, yeah? Find some chick who’s happy to let you mold her into whatever the fuck you want to.”

Running a hand over my beard, I gave it a tug. Taking a minute to think before I responded to her. That earlier flash of emotions, before her rage took over, had shocked me. These games she was playing were more serious than I first thought they were. She’d mentioned earlier how not many people stuck by her. But I thought we’d dealt with that. Was she really so scared of being rejected, of her having her heart broken, that she’d push me away rather than giving us a chance to be more? While we hadn’t exactly talked kids and white picket fences, I’d figured she was the type to want those things. Especially given the way she adored her niece.

I wanted to growl in frustration. Because I couldn’t make sense of what was running through her head, I wasn’t sure what to do to fix it. Also knew from the stubborn angle of her jaw, shewasn’t currently in the mood to delve into her psyche. The only way forward I could see was to just keep reassuring her.

“Don’t get me wrong, Jacie. I don’t mind being challenged, or playing games when we’re in private. Fucking love that you’re brave enough to hold your ground with me, not afraid to show me how strong that spine of yours is. Having a little yes woman who’d never fucking protest anything I said or did holds zero appeal. A strong, fiery woman who is perfectly capable and happy to be Miss Independent, butchoosesto stand beside me and let me support her? Who is not afraid to call me on my shit? Nowthatholds a fuck of a lot of appeal. All I need from you right now is for you to tell me you’ll be mine, exclusively mine, and we can move this on to the part we’ve both been looking forward to.”

She shook her head, frowning, confusion clouding her eyes. Did she honestly not understand how much of a fucking treasure she was? How any man with more than half a brain would want her for his old lady? The mother of his kids. Would be willing to kill or die to keep her safe.

With her hands on her hips, she looked down and rolled her lips in, obviously thinking her answer through. Nerves had me wanting to twitch, but I held the sensation off. Who knew all those years with the USMC would help me hold strong in the face of my woman?

After taking a deep inhale she lifted her gaze to mine and licked her lips. Clenching my jaw, I held my damn breath as I waited for her answer. I honestly didn’t know what she was gonna say. She was just as likely to tell me to fuck off as she wasto say she was mine. Maybe I shouldn’t have put it all on the line this soon, but I wasn’t about to keep pussy-footing around her with this shit. I knew what I wanted: her. And I was getting too old for the bullshit games where we chased each other’s tails for years before settling down. Fuck that shit. I wanted her committed to me now.

“Fine. I’m yours. Exclusively.” I grinned and she held a finger up. “For now. I ain’t wearing a ring yet. And that also means you’re completely mine. I amnotthe type of woman to accept her man screwing around on her. I know all about MCs and their club whores. You touch one of them and you better be prepared to wake up missing body parts I’m sure you’d rather keep attached, you understand me?”

Fuck me, even the way she accepted my claim with a threat did something for me. She was truly myUla’ula Mõ’i, my red queen.

With a broad grin, I reached for her, gripping her hips and tugged her forward. She wrapped her arms around my neck as she pressed her body up against mine, lifting her face to me. I took the invitation and slammed my mouth down over hers. Devouring her mouth, claiming her, as I slid my hands up her back, under her shirt to flick open her bra. Moving her hands, she scrapped her nails along either side of my head, through the hair I kept buzzed short. The tremor it caused to flow through me had me ending the kiss and closing my eyes on a moan.

“Fuck, that feels good,Ula’ula Mõ’i.”

Shoving up to her feet, Jacie threw herself at me, her legs going around my waist and her hands clutching my shoulders. Not expecting the move, I stumbled back a step before I caught my balance, instinctively wrapping my arms around her to hold her to me as I did.


Burying her face in my neck, she kissed and nibbled at my skin while she ground her pussy against my cock.

“Fuck, babe. Love how hot you get for me.” I’d have liked it a whole lot more if we were naked. Damn clothes getting in the way. “Gonna need you to start wearing skirts. If you were wearing one right now, all I’d need to do is unzip and tear your panties away to be deep inside you, where I know you want me.”

With a groan, she swirled her tongue in a small circle on my neck, before sucking on the same spot, no doubt leaving a mark in her wake. I had to chuckle at my fiery woman staking her claim, marking me where everyone would see it, as I had done to her last weekend. My brothers would give me hell for it, but I couldn’t get mad at her. Not when I fucking loved that she was feeling as possessive as I was. Not that she needed to ever worry about me stepping out on her. I’d never been one to fuck around when I had a woman, and I certainly had no intention of starting now that I’d found my one. My ride or die.

Returning to stand by the bed, I leaned down until her back was against the mattress. After kissing her again, I pulled her hands from around my neck and straightened.

Neither of us needed to say a thing to know what we both were wanting. The desire shone bright in her gaze, and I was sure she was seeing the same damn thing in mine. Shrugging out of my cut, I stepped over to hang it over the back of the chair, then emptied my pockets onto the seat before I turned back to Jacie, and stalled out.

She was sitting on the edge of the mattress and, having stripped out of her shirt, she slid her bra free and tossed it on the floor. Then she paused, looking my way with a raised brow.

“See something you like, T?”

“I see my woman looking sexy as fuck.”

Reaching over my head, I grabbed a fist full of my t-shirt and tugged it off before I tossed it toward the chair. After toeing off my boots, and peeling off my socks, I turned back to my woman, who was now standing next to the bed facing me, her low lidded gaze locked on my bared chest as she chewed on her lower lip.