Bloody hell, this man could kiss. By the time he pulled back, I was breathless, panting to catch my breath, and my body was on fire. Lava flowed through my veins and if it wasn’t for the sounds of downtown Dallas cutting through my fog of arousal, I might have begged him to fuck me right here, right now.
Resting a forearm against the wall above my head, he held my gaze while he stroked my face with his free hand. The calluses on his fingertips sensitized my skin until I was trembling, desperate for more of him.
My voice was more moan than anything, but it was all I could manage with how he’d scrambled my brain.
“You got a room here we can go to,Ula’ula Mõ’i?”
There was that weird name he called me again.
“What does that mean?Ula’ula Mõ’i.”
“It’s a Hawaiian endearment. Room?”
That didn’t really tell me what it meant, but he clearly wasn’t going to give me any more of an explanation right now.
“Yeah, I’m staying here but I’m sharing with Neveah. We’ll have the room to ourselves until dinner finishes up.”
After giving me a quick, hard kiss, he straightened.
“I’ll take what I can get. Let’s go.”
Even though it was a warm evening, a chill washed over me as soon as he was no longer pressed up against me. I was rubbing at the goose bumps on my arms when Trident reached out and took my hand in his, tangling our fingers together before pulling me toward the hotel entrance. Keeping my eyes forward, I was careful to match my steps to Trident’s, so I stayed mostly hidden by his much larger body as we passed through the lobby.
By some sort of miracle, the moment we entered the alcove that housed the bank of elevators, one opened. After those inside exited, we followed another couple in and I tapped the button for the fourth floor as I passed the controls. Trident then pulled me in against him, moving me until my back was to his front before he wrapped his arms around my waist. Ignoring the looks the other couple gave us, I leaned my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes with a smile when he dropped a soft kiss on my temple. I couldn’t believe how all his possessive bullshit was actually doing it for me. I’d have knocked another man on his arse if they’d pulled even half of what Trident had. But instead of telling him to knock it off and standing apart from him to prove to the world how independent I was, I was snuggling back into him. Closing my eyes to fully enjoy how safe and cherished I felt in his embrace.
It really was complete and utter craziness.
When the doors opened on my floor, Trident put his palm on my lower back again as I led the way down the hall toward my room. The sweetness we’d shared in the elevator had soothed the frenzied energy that had ruled us earlier, so by the time weentered the hotel room my mind had cleared enough I could think of more than ripping his clothes off.
Leaving Trident to handle the main door, I moved to the one that joined this room to Sparrow and Mirabelle’s, closing and locking it. Once that was done, I leaned against the wall beside it, smiling at Trident doing his thing. He’d finished securing the door and was now reconning the area. Poking his head into the bathroom before scanning the rest of the very nondescript room.
“Safe enough for you?”
With a glare my way, he finished checking the window before striding toward me until he stood toe-to-toe with me. Crossing his arms across his chest, he stared into my eyes.
“I will always make sure you are safe, Jacie.Always. Now; tell me. Why’d you ghost me last weekend?”
Heat crept up my neck and over my face and I bit the inside of my cheek, not wanting to answer him. But I knew he wasn’t going to let me get away with silence.
“You ashamed to have been with me? Embarrassed?”
That had my jaw dropping and shock pinging through my brain. Was he nuts? “What? Of course not! Why would you even think that?”
He shrugged a shoulder with feigned casualness. I’d really hurt him with how I’d snuck away. Guilt tore up my gut at the damage I’d done by being such a wuss.
“Well, let’s see. I’m a lot older than you, for a start. Thenthere’s the fact I’m from a one percenter club. We play harder than the Charons ever will.”
I shook my head, before running my fingers through my hair, pushing the curls back behind my ears.
“I can’t believe you—”
His palms slamming against the wall on either side of my head had my mouth closing mid-sentence.
“Yeah, well, I can’t believe you’d be such a little coward either. But you fucking were. Sneaking off on me the first chance you got.” He tilted his head. “Unless I really read you wrong, and you pull this stunt on the regular. Or maybe I was just a happy little birthday present, nothing more. I can think of several options of why you did what you did, babe. But I’d like the motherfucking truth from your lips. So tell me, Jacie Lewis, why’d you run from me last weekend?”