I glanced over and sure enough the sexy silver fox photographer, and model, was standing right there chatting with a woman who had awesome purple hair.
Sparrow came up on Neveah’s other side. “And he’s talking to Sapphire Knight. This is all so surreal.”
I nodded. This was like some crazy dream. While I’d always read a lot, I’d never been to an event like this. Never met any of the authors I read, or seen any of the models in the flesh.
“C’mon, let’s get checked in and cleaned up. Then we can come down and mingle.”
We all headed over to the counter and queued up to wait our turn.
By the time we’d gone up to our adjoining rooms and settled in, it was time to get ready for the pre-event dinner. I was sharing with Neveah, while Mirabelle and Sparrow were in the other room. We had the adjoining door open and I sat back with a smile as the three of them chatted excitedly. I wanted to be as happy as they were, but I was worried. Taking out my phone I texted Flick.
Hey sis! Arrived safe. How U feeling?
I’d feel a lot better if I knew U were out having fun instead of worrying about me.
That had me smiling.
Fine. I’ll go have some fun if I have 2. But only because you’re making me. So mean.
That earned me a heart reaction that let me know I’d gotten her smiling at least.
Sparrow sat beside me on the bed. “All well back home?”
I nodded as I turned the screen off on my phone. “Yeah. I just feel bad for leaving. Like I’m needed back there, but I’m here at a book signing. It feels so unnecessary, frivolous now.”
Sparrow wrapped her arms around my shoulders and rested her head against mine.
“Flick’s well looked after, so is Taz and Lolly. You’re not neglecting anyone by enjoying your birthday present. We all need to do things for ourselves sometimes. This trip might be for your birthday, but we’re all here a little for ourselves too. You think it doesn’t get tiring having Jazz up my butt twenty-four/seven?”
I chuckled and rolled my eyes. “Like you don’t enjoy the attention.”
Releasing me she huffed. “If he’d give me some damn attention I wouldn’t mind, but no. He just stays back and watches. Like some creepy stalker.”
Neveah joined us. “She bitching about Jazz again? We all know youlovehim. No point denying it.”
Sparrow’s face went red as she sputtered before speaking. “I do not! Not anymore at least. He’s a pain in my ass who prevents me from having any fun. He’s a killjoy. Not my heart’s desire.”
We all looked at her dumbfounded. She’d never said anything like this to us before. I had to wonder why she was suddenly so happy to chat about Jazz. With a hair toss, she lifted her chin defiantly, then focused her hazel eyes on me, giving me a slightly evil looking grin that left me feeling suddenly nervous.
“Plus, if rumors are to be believed, it was Jacie who got lucky last weekend. Not me. Who was it, girlfriend? No one is giving names! It’s killing me!”
I shook my head. Realizing she’d only spoken about Jazz in the hopes that it would have me spilling my secrets in return.
“Oh, I’m not about to start to kiss-and-tell when you can’t even admit to liking your guy. Now, let’s get moving and go moon over some fake bikers who aren’t creepy stalkers or a danger to our delicate selves.”
“So there was a guy? Because you could have just snuck off by yourself to hide from Taz. Girls, we gotta get on this.”
Shaking my head, I led the way to the door and out into the hallway with my giggling friends following me. Thankfully by the time we’d reached the elevator, they’d quit hassling me and we chatted about books as we went down to the first floor where thedinner was being held.
“Do you think Kristine Allen will be here tonight? Or only tomorrow?”
I shrugged at Mirabelle’s question. “No idea, babe. Guess we’ll soon find out.”
Entering the hotel restaurant, I scanned the room and quickly worked out where the MMM group was. Then I saw two men who had me nearly stumbling in shock.
“No fucking way. Not here. This was meant to be fake bikers, for fuck’s sake! Not real ones!”
Sparrow frowned over toward where I was looking. “It’s just a few of the Satan’s Cowboys. They’re friends to the Charons so it’s all good. Looks like Stone and Trident. Oh and Animal. He’s over there preening to some chicks.”