As far as a live porn show went, it was pretty damn good. Especially when Tank went over to join them. Once he’d taken over holding her hair from Animal, he pulled his cock out and guided her mouth down his length. Animal returned to slapping her ass between strokes, cheering every time she gagged on Tank’s monster dick.

I shifted in my seat as my cock throbbed, wanting some attention.

“Brother, you better not be pulling some stunt on me tonight. I will whoop your ass if you are because I need to be inside my woman before the sun sets, you feel me?”

Glancing over, I could see Stone’s cheeks were flushed and he was moving around in his seat like he couldn’t get comfortable while his gaze never left the show going on in front of us.

“Fuck, I need to let off some steam before we head out. I’ll meet you out front at six.”

It didn’t escape my notice that once again the bastard had evaded my question and slipped out the booth before I could call him on it. He made fast work of grabbing one of the club girls, tossing her over his shoulder and heading down toward his room. Unlike Animal, Stone didn’t like witnesses when he fucked. Another way me and Stone were similar.

Finishing off my beer, I headed back to my own room to get cleaned up and relieve some tension before tonight. I hoped like hell that Stone’s cryptic shit meant I’d be seeing my little runaway tonight. No way would I risk her wrath by having her find out I fucked a club girl before going to her. It was already gonna be a battle to pin her down; I sure as fuck wouldn’t risk it on some chick that meant nothing.



It was with a heavy heart that I left Bridgewater for Dallas on Friday. I’d offered to cancel the trip, to stay close to home to help Taz take care of Flick and Lolly, but Flick had refused my offer, demanding I still go. She’d told me that as much as she appreciated everything I’d been doing for them, she knew how much I’d been looking forward to the trip and I needed some time away to relax before returning and working my ass off again. Because she couldn’t do housework or much of anything if she didn’t want to risk going into early labor.

Turned out Flick’s bleeding was due to her havingplacenta previa. Which the doctor explained meant Flick’s placenta was covering her cervix. I didn’t know much about childbirth and pregnancy, but even I could work out that was some scary shit.

They’d kept her in hospital for forty-eight hours to monitor her and the baby. Thankfully, things down below were still solid, showing no signs of dilation, and she’d stopped bleeding by the time they released her. Her doctor had told her she was fine to go home, but she needed to rest as much as possible, no lifting or any other stresses.

The goal was to keep the baby inside her for as long as possible. But she was going to be spending a whole lot more time at the hospital over the next couple months for checkups and stuff than she’d originally planned. And she wouldn’t be able to give birth naturally; she’d have to have a c-section for her and the baby’s safety. Taz had wobbled on his feet, nearly passing out when the doctor mentioned the high-risk Flick would beat of bleeding out if she went into labor naturally. I’d had to push aside my own shock and step up to steady him when he staggered and paled as close to white as I’ve ever seen his skin go.

“Neveah? Crank the radio up. We need to get the vibes going on this road trip!”

Sparrow’s sass had me smiling as Neveah, who was riding shotgun, grabbed her phone.

“I can do one better! I totally planned a playlist for the trip.”

With a small shake of my head and a chuckle, I continued to focus on the highway. After eight months, I’d gotten mostly used to being on the other side of the road. But I still preferred to be the driver. Sitting in the front passenger seat, where I’d sat to drive in Australia, still messed with my head. Thankfully my crew didn’t mind letting me drive.

While Neveah got her phone paired to the car’s system Mirabelle leaned forward.

“What time is the dinner tonight again?”

I responded with a smile. “Six-thirty. We’ll get there in plenty of time to clean up and change before then. No worries.”

While, with therapy, Mirabelle had come a long way since she’d been rescued, she was still understandably nervous around strangers, especially men.

“Do you think there will be like real mobsters there? Or just models pretending.”

Glancing in the mirror, I took in how she was chewing her lip and the concern in her gaze.

Sparrow reached over to grip her hand and give it a squeeze. The club had freed Sparrow from a mob run brothel in L.A. a few years ago. She got Mirabelle in a way no one else could.

“Not honestly sure. I mean, I can’t imagine a mobster with any sort of power lowering himself to be on the cover of a romance novel. But if either of us recognize anyone in there from our pasts, we have our Plan B.”

We all had panic buttons programed into our phones. We were to hit that sucker then wait for help to arrive. If they hadn’t seen us, we were to keep it that way. If they had, we were to remain inside the main room and stay visible. Making sure to never be alone or allow them to get too close to us. Scout had told us he’d have back up there in minutes, which meant we had club shadows. I wasn’t sure who Scout had sent, but would bet that Jazz was in the mix. None of us girls knew for sure what was between him and Sparrow since she’d never given us a straight answer whenever we’d asked, but only an idiot wouldn’t notice the heat that flared between them whenever they got near each other. The hot glances they’d throw the other one’s way at club barbecues were another giveaway.

“Right, time for fun! No more worrying.”

Neveah started her playlist and turned it up. Taylor Swift’s voice filled the car, telling us all to shake it off and we startedsinging along, the tension in the car fading away a little more with each new song that came on.

By the time we rolled into the hotel in Dallas, I was in the zone for the weekend. We were rolling our bags into the lobby when Neveah grabbed my arm as she sucked in a breath.

“Is that Wander? Like for real. Damn, he’s as pretty in real life as he is in photos. Not sure that’s fair.”