“Yeah, Mac?”
His eyes widened and he stumbled as he roared into the phone, “What the fuck do you mean she’s bleeding?”
Instantly, everything else fell away, concern for my sister-in-law taking its place. Rushing to stand in front of my brother, I rested a palm on his shoulder, steadying him as I held his fear filled gaze with mine while he listened to whatever Mac was saying.
“I’ll meet you at the hospital.”
After he ended the call, he seemed to stall out. As though he couldn’t quite process what was going on. Wrapping my arms around his waist I leaned in and gave him a tight hug for a few moments before releasing him to take charge.
“Let’s get moving. I’ll follow you. Unless you want to borrow one of the club cars and I’ll drive you?”
Because Athena Security was a Charon MC owned business, and all the employees rode bikes, the club kept a couple of their cars here for when a case called for one to be used.
“Bikes will be faster. Let’s go.”
Quickly switching my sneakers for my riding boots, I grabbed my jacket, helmet and keys and was out the door, running to catch up to Taz who already had his helmet on and was starting his bike.
Bridgewater was small enough of a town that it didn’t take long to get anywhere, especially when you didn’t care about speed limits or road rules. Following Taz, we got there in under five minutes and pulled into the parking lot at the same time Mac pulled up to the emergency entrance in his car.
Taz didn’t bother turning off his bike before he dismounted and took off. When he paused a few meters away, taking his helmet off before he turned back, I called out to him.
“Leave your helmet there. I’ve got you covered. Go to Flick.”
“Thanks, sis.”
He sprinted to Mac’s car, leaning into the front passenger seat to scoop his wife up into his arms before he turned and rushed inside. Once they were out of sight, I quickly got both our bikes sorted, with our helmets secured, before I hurried towardthe entrance.
I hit the waiting room just as Taz was carrying Flick through to the back. I hoped Flick was being treated quickly because someone had called ahead, and not because she or the baby were in trouble. Knowing I wouldn’t be allowed to go back with them, I went over to Mac.
“Did they say anything about what could be causing her to bleed?”
He moved his focus from the closed door to me, worry clear in his expression.
He shook his head. “Nah, they said nothing before they rushed her through. Guess I best go move the car. Be back in five.”
I nodded and took a seat with a direct view of the door they’d gone through. Settling in to pray everything would be okay with Flick and the baby while I waited for news.
Chapter Five
As soon as we’d gotten back into Cutler last Sunday, Viper had sent a few of us right back out the door on a run over to Tyler. Brothers first, brothers forever is the SCMC’s top rule. What the president wants, he gets is a close second. But his timing sucked. I had plans to spend the week tracking down my little runaway. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to talk to Stone in all the rushing around. Once I was on my bike ready to ride out, but waiting on the others to get their shit sorted, I use the time to shoot off a text to him.
Need you to give me Jacie’s deets. Know you have them.
It was only moments before my phone buzzed with his reply.
No can do, bro. Sorry. U need 2 get from her. Join me Fri night & I’ll make it up 2U. Keep Sat free too.
What the fuck? He couldn’t tell me? No doubt some sort of family loyalty bullshit I wasn’t going to be able to talk my way around. Didn’t mean I wasn’t gonna try. And what the bloody hell was he on about wanting me to join him Friday night? Before I could text him back, the others came out, so I pocketed my phone, started my bike, and followed Tank’s sled out of the clubhouse gates.
It was four long days later before I was finally back home and ready to track Stone down to get the answers the bastard had refused to give me all week. After parking my bike, I followed the others inside. Tank went straight for Viper’s office to report in while the rest of us headed for the stairs.
Needing answers from Stone more than I needed to be clean, I decided to track the man down before I went and showered. As I made my way up to the first floor, I shot a text to him.
Where U at?
The moment I passed through the doorway into the main room, Stone was hollering my way.