Dropping down to sit on the picnic table, I sipped at my brew as I tried to think of an excuse to return to Bridgewater in the next few days. There was no way I was letting my little spitfire escape me for long. Didn’t matter she hadn’t given me her phone number or address.
That had me pausing with my mug at my lips.
Stone had said that it was too far for her to walk home; that meant he damn well knew where she lived. Climbing off the table, I was about to head inside when my phone dinged with an incoming message. Pulling the device out, I saw it was from Tank, the club’s Sargent at Arms.
Rolling out in 10 for home. Be ready.
Guess I’d have to wait on grilling Stone for info until after we got back to Cutler.
I’d stayed hidden away until nearly lunch time the following morning, making sure that not only had all the SCMC guys cleared out, but most of the Charons too. Then I’d slipped quietly downstairs and outside. After I’d managed to escape without anyone trying to talk to me, I’d been riding high thinking that I’d managed to get away with my clandestine night with a biker. But as the sun set I realized I hadn’t been that lucky.
My apartment above Athena Security, where I worked, had some advantages. Like the state of the art security system that meant I’d been able to watch my big bro from the moment he came roaring in on his bike, to when he pounded up the stairs to my door. Where he ignored the perfectly functioning doorbell and instead started pounding his fist on the thick timber.
With a sigh, I pulled open the door, and smiled sweetly at my frowning sibling.
“Hey Taz, whatcha doing in my neck of the woods? Wanna coffee? Beer? Vegemite and cheese sandwich maybe?”
His expression blanked for a moment before, with a shake of his head, he was back to frowning while he pushed past me to enter my apartment.
“You and your fucking Vegemite sandwiches…”
The Aussie condiment that resembled black tar wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Mostly because they ate it wrong. It wasn’t like peanut butter, you had to use a light hand. A small smear of that salty goodness over a thick slice of cheese on buttered bread was delicious perfection.
Ignoring his cursing, I shut and locked the door behind him. Mumbling under my breath as I did. “Come on in, Taz. Make yourself at home.”
“Don’t pull that shit with me, Jacie. Trying to distract me with a trip down memory lane ain’t gonna save you. What the fuck happened last night after you left the rear yard? I couldn’t find you after I got done with that bloody prospect. The ladies said you’d just gone inside for a drink, but you never came back. Me and Flick didn’t see you inside when we headed home later either, but I sure as fuck noticed that your bike was still in the same spot this morning as it had been last night. So, what gives?”
As much as I’d known this confrontation was coming, I wasn’t ready for it. It had been the main reason I’d been laying low all day today. Mind you, I could have had a month to comeup with the perfect thing to say and it wouldn’t have mattered. Not when my big bro was behaving like some sort of medieval throwback who thought he could control my every move just because he was born first and had a dick. That shit got my temper fired up like nothing else could. And when I got riled up like I currently was, anything I may have planned to say went straight out the window as my emotions took over.
Before I knew what I was doing, I was standing toe to toe with him. He was a full foot taller than me, but that didn’t stop me from glaring up at him with all the fire I could muster. With one hand on my hip, I used the other one to poke a finger against the center of his chest. Right between where I knew he had my and our mum’s names inked on his skin.
“Don’t youdarecome at me like I’m some wayward underage teen caught smoking behind the school oval! I’m twenty-fucking-six years old, Donny! If I want to spend a night with a bloke, that’s up to me. Not you.”
His eyes had widened a moment when I used his birth name, but soon narrowed again before he grabbed my hand in his to stop me from poking him again.
“Dammit, Jacie. I knew I shouldn’t have given in on having one of the brothers shadow you at yesterday’s party. You spent the whole night with this fool? Who was it? One of ours or a Satan’s Cowboy? Who am I killing for daring to lay a finger on my sweet baby sister?”
Pulling my hand from his grip, I stepped away and rolledmy eyes before glaring at him again.
“Oh, that’s rich. I’m surprised lightning didn’t strike you down just now. What a load of utter bullshit. Just because you’re all about living the blissful married life now, dear brother, don’t think for a moment that I haven’t heard the bloody stories of how much of a man whore you were before Flick came along andthrew you on your arse.”
I smirked at the blush that spread over his cheeks while he looked away as I’d finished speaking. Yeah, being called out wasn’t fun. I was pretty damn sure Taz would prefer no one remembered how, soon after he’d met Flick, he’d come up and grabbed her from behind at the club bar, Styx. Not realizing it was Taz, Flick had pulled some martial arts move that resulted in Taz being flat on his back in the middle of the bar. I would have paid big bucks to get a copy of that on video, but apparently no one was fast enough with their phone to record it. Damn shame that was.
“That’s different!”
I cut him off, my temper flaring even brighter.
“Oh, don’t you dare try to toss some bloody double standard garbage at me! I’ve been here eight months, Taz.Eight fucking months.I let your overbearing, overprotective bullshit slide in the beginning because I figured you couldn’t help it while you adjusted to the knowledge that I was alive. But enough already! I’m a grown arse adult and can make my own choices. That includes if I want to have sex! We’re not living in the middleages where you get to control my life just because you’ve got a dick and I don’t.” I paused to shake my head. “And what the hell gives with you judging me for hooking up with a biker anyway? Since you’re so happy living it up in the MC life, I’d have thought you’d be all over me being brought more fully into the fold.”
He’d actually paled as I ranted, which left me speechless for a moment. Me having sex upset him that much? Damn. This being closer to my big brother thing was turning out to be a lot more complex than I’d anticipated.
After a minute or so, the loud shrill of Taz’s phone snapped us both out of the awkward silence that had settled over us. Blowing out a breath, I ran my hands through my hair as I began to pace the room.