Page 89 of Dance of Deception

I sigh. “Okay, a, I had nothing to do with the guest list, believe me. And b, it’s a small wedding.”

Vaughn snorts, arching a sarcasm-laden brow. “How small?”


I wince as I raise my eyes to his. “Um, two hundred guests?”

Vaughn and Brooklyn laugh loudly, shaking their heads.

“Just two hundred of your closest personal friends,” Vaughn snickers. “Dude, I don’t evenknowtwo hundred people.”

Brooklyn snorts loudly. “If we include peopleyour dickknows, are we getting closer?”

Vaughn feigns mock indignation.

“I feel like I’m being slut-shamed.”

“Well, that’s because you’re kinda a slut,” Brooklyn grins.

Vaughn rolls his eyes and flips her off before turning back to me. “Let me at least see it.”

I frown. “See what?”

He grins salaciously. “The fucking bite mark I heard The Godfather gave you on your pussy.”

My jaw drops.

“Okay, first of all,no,” I snap testily. “And secondly, he did notbite meon my…my…” I swallow. “That’s just not true.”

“Milena said that psycho bit your fucking pussy?—”

“It was mythigh! Jesus!!” I shriek, before realizing what I’ve done.


Vaughn's grin gets even wider. “So, howis it, fucking mafia royalty?”

My face throbs as I turn away, sliding to the floor to stretch my calves.

“I have no idea.”

“Seriously?” Vaughn walks over and plants himself directly back in my line of sight.

“Seriously,” I mutter.

“Hold up. You’ve beenengagedto Mr. Broody Psycho-hot Mafia for weeks now, andyou haven’t fucked him?”

When I just shrug, Vaughn groans.

“Banging a mafia prince or princess is totally on my sexual bucket list.Youget it served up on a platter and you say ‘pass’.” He sighs and turns to Brooklyn. “The fucking unmitigatedgall.”

I snort, shaking my head as the three of us move to exit the stage. Just as I’m about to step into the wings, my name is called from the shadows of the fourth row.


I freeze.

Madame Kuzmina’s voice is, as always, calm but commanding—the kind of tone that’s never really a request.