Suddenly, with a low grunt, he’s coming.
…All over me.
I gasp as hot cum splatters and streaks on my skin, covering my breasts, dripping over my nipples. It lands in ropes across my stomach and hips, and suddenly I’m flinching when I feel the hot drips of it coating my mouth, cheeks and neck.
The whole world stops as Carmine strokes his bulging cock once more and then sits back on his haunches, like a beast after a kill, looking down on me with dark, satisfied arousal all over his face.
And smears of red.
My blood, from when he bit me and broke the skin, mixed withmy own cum, all over his chin. I go still, my pulse skipping as his eyes lock with mine.
Holding and arresting me. Pinning and consuming me.
Slowly, he brings a hand up, using his thumb to wipe the mix of cum and blood from his lips and into his mouth.
“Delicious,” he growls quietly. “I can’t wait to break through your virginity and taste the ruin I leave behind between your thighs.”
The final notesof Tchaikovsky’spas de troisecho through the empty theater as I hit my end position.
Brooklyn mirrors the movement on the other side of Vaughn, our chests still heaving with exertion.
I take a deep breath and let the moment settle, before exhaling and relaxing, bent forward, spent.
The past couple of weeks since it came out that I was marrying Carmine Barone have been a whirlwind.
At the theater, the news swept through the company like wildfire. At first, I couldn’t set foot in the dressing room without hearing whispers—some curious, some tinged with a bit of jealously, or worse, scorn and judgement.
Some people were just outright confused. Milena had to shut down at least three ridiculous theories, ranging fromshe must be pregnanttoshe must have blackmailed him into it.
Which, technically, isn’tentirelyfalse.
But it was Bianca who really put a stop to it. Not with any loud declarations or dramatic speeches. Just a few well-placed looks, a couple of quietly spoken words, and suddenly, the rumor mill, mercifully, died a swift death.
Of course, deflecting rumors hasn't been the only hazard that comes with getting engaged to Carmine. Milena caught sight of the bite mark he left on my inner thigh when we were changing at the end of the afternoon—and, of course, had a fucking field day with it.
I’d barely tugged my tights off when she zeroed in on it like a shark scenting blood.
“Oh my fuckingGod,” she gasped, grinning. “Don't tell me that is abite mark.”
I’d whipped around to glare at her, but it was too late. She was already cackling, calling Evelina over, demanding a full forensic analysis.
But now, with just two days to go before I’m bound forever to that madman, it’s clear everyone around me understands that the time for joking isover.
“Well,” Vaughn mutters next to me on stage, still catching his breath. “That was sufficiently brutal.”
Brooklyn groans, rolling her shoulders. “Seriously. I need ice. Maybe a priest.”
“Speaking of priest…” Vaughn grins and turns to me. “What’s the countdown again?”
Brooklyn sighs, shooting Vaughn a look. “Two days. Seriously, how hard is it to remember that? Stop asking her.”
I flash her a grateful grin.
Vaughn rolls his eyes. “It might have helped if yours truly had gotten a fucking wedding invite,” he grunts, rolling his muscled shoulders and stretching his veined forearms.