“Vito Barone?”
She nods. “He got to hospital in time, butfuck. Can you imagine your dad?—”
Her mouth snaps shut instantly, and I catch the cold glare Naomi shoots her way. I shake my head.
“Guys, it’s fine,” I laugh—maybe a bit too loudly. “You can say the word ‘dad’ around me. I’m not going to turn to stone or anything.”
He has no power over you.
Not anymore.
Just then, the dressing room door swings open, and Bianca walks in, her face pale, her eyes red-rimmed.
The conversation dies, and for a moment, no one knows what to say.
Finally Naomi steps forward, hugging her. “Are you okay?”
Bianca lets out a soft breath. “Yeah—I mean,no, but…” She shakes her head. “He’s stable now. That’s all that matters.”
Milena rubs her back. “How are you?”
Bianca lets out a short laugh. “A fucking wreck. But we’re working through it. For now, it’s making sure it doesn’t happen again. Then we figure out what comes next.” Her mouth twists into a wry grin as she looks up at us. “Actually, that’s the one amusing thing about all of this…”
Naomi frowns. “What is?”
“Carmine has to get married now.”
I blink. “What?”
Bianca nods. “They're sure Dad’s going to be just fine. But I think it was a huge wake-up call for him. He’s gotta start eating better, slowing down, taking stress off his plate.” She looks around and leans closer to the three of us. “Look, please don’t share this yet. But…” She swallows. “Dad’s stepping down. Carmine’s going to be taking his place.”
Milena lets out a low whistle. “Damn. I thought your brother wasn’t in any hurry to take over.”
“He’s not,” Bianca mutters, rubbing her temples tiredly. “But it is what it is. He’s Dad’s oldest heir, so…”
Naomi tilts her head. “But why does he have to get married?”
Bianca's expression is flat, unimpressed. “Some old-school crap about how the head of the family needs a wife.” She snorts. “I mean, bullshit, butamusingbullshit if you’re me. Can you imagineCarmineof all people married?”
Milena snickers. “I mean… He’s hot.”
“What?” she laughs. “I’m just stating fact. All your brothers are.”
Biance wrinkles her nose.
“Is he even seeing anyone?” Naomi asks.
Bianca leans against the lockers. “Nope. So, get this, he’s holdingauditionstonight. Like it’s the fuckingBachelor.” She shakes her head. “Andit gets better. Whoever he picks? He’s offering them a million dollars.”
Sharp hunger twists in my stomach.
One. Million. Dollars.
I think of the men, coming to collect my father’s debt.
I think of my mother slumped on the couch, drowning in her latest bottle.