Vaughn stretches dramatically, slinging an arm around Naomi’s shoulders as he leads her toward the door. “My chariot awaits, milady.” He sticks a cigarette between his lips, making Naomi squint.
“You light that thing anywhere near me and I’m going to knee you in the balls.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, girl.”
The door swings shut behind them, leaving only silence.
Brooklyn is still sitting on the bench, one leg tucked under her, absentmindedly running a finger over the edge of her pointe shoe ribbon. The tension in her body from the exhausting rehearsal has shifted to something else.
She doesn’t look at me when she finally speaks.
“You ever think about how much this actually costs us?”
I frown as I throw my gingery-red hair into a messy bun. “What? Ballet?”
She exhales sharply, shaking her head. “Not just ballet. This life. The work, all the training, the barely-there paycheck.” She glances at me, one brow lifting. “We kill ourselves every day for what? The honor of being underpaid and having a career that's over before it's even begun?”
Brooklyn’s like me: making her dance dream work on her own. No safety net.
I don’t answer right away. Truth is, I have thought about it. Every single time I pull together enough cash for rent but not groceries. Every time I ache all over but know I’ll still be back at the barre the next morning.
Brooklyn clears her throat. “Look, I understand pride, Lyra. And I’m not going to insult you by asking if you want a loan or anything. But…” The corners of her lips curl as she reaches into her bag.
My jaw drops as she pulls out agangster-sized wad of cash.
“If youdoneed money…”
I blink at the thick stack of crisp hundreds, folded neatly. More cash than I’ve seen in…ever.
“What the fuck, Brooklyn?”
She smirks. “Relax. I didn’t rob a bank.”
I tear my gaze away from the money, forcing my voice to stay level. “Then where…?”
She exhales slowly. “Remember that charity thing where we did that excerpt fromGisellelast month?”
Occasionally, mostly because italwaysresults in new benefactors with deep pockets, select members of the company will perform at things like the Policemen’s Ball or other charity events.
Brooklyn clears her throat. “Well, after we were done, this guy came up to me and said he had a dance gig I might be interested in. He said he couldn’t tell me much about it, but that it paid insanely well. And… I took it. That’s where this money came from.”
A strange prickle works its way down my spine.
Brooklyn must notice the change on my face, because she quickly shakes her head. “Look, it’s not stripping or anything. No one touches you—no one even speaks to you. And you’re wearingclothes. But it pays way better than this.” She gestures vaguely around us at the dressing room. “It’s also secret.”
The word makes something inside me tighten.
Secret is never good. Secret always comes at a price.
“What do you mean,secret?”
Brooklyn twists the ends of her hoodie strings around her finger. “It’s like a private club or something. They pick you up at a location they decide, blindfold you, and drive you there.”
My jaw drops.
“Are you fucking serious? Brooklyn, that’s super sketch!”
She huffs a quiet laugh. “Yeah, I thought so too, at first.”