After dinner.
I’ll be there.
It’s raining.
In itself, that shouldn’t be unusual. Rain happens often in Brazil, especially in the area around our compound.
But somehow, it feels… different.
This rain is heavy. it’s persistent, coming down from the sky at a steady pace that sounds like a heartbeat echoing all around the house.
Or, maybe that’s the thundering of my own heart as I pace my room.
Andrei’s inability to leave me alone earlier felt terrifying. It was a reminder that I’m playing a game that’s out of my league.
Not for the first time, I shut my eyes and take a deep, steadying breath.
All I want is to be with the girls.
I miss them with a ferocity that rips at my gut. For the firsttime since arriving here, I sit on my bed, letting my panic consume me.
I’m absolutely terrified that I’m never going to see them again.
The terror is something that I can keep at bay, normally. I don’t know if it’s the rain, exactly, or something else.
But right now, I can’t keep it from consuming me.
I can’t even cry.
There’s too much fear. Too much that could go wrong. Too much that is at risk.
What if I never see them again?
I’ve told myself, over and over, that I’d be fine with it if I never see the girls again. If they’re safe and happy, that’s all that matters to me.
Or at least, that’s what I told myself.
Right now?
It’s not true.
I want to see them again. I want to hold onto them. I want to kiss their faces and hear them say my name.
I want, more than anything, to see my babies again.
You have to choose the option that gets you back to them.
The thought echoes through me with all the strength of a scream. It’s true; I have to choose whatever gets me back to them.
If I die without seeing the girls…
Don’t think of that, Marisol.
That can’t be an option.