The use of his name, his first fuckin’ name, is like a bomb in my ears.
A horrible thought occurs to me.
What if she likes him being around? What if she’s choosing to keep this… whatever it is going with him?
What if she feels the same way about him that he feels about her?
Rage, hot and clean, burns through me.
“I haven’t thought any more about it, Andrei.”
No one gets to use her fuckin’ name but me.
“Please. I just want to be alone right now. Can you do that, Andrei?”
There’s silence.
If he doesn’t leave her alone, I don’t give a shit about the consequences. I don’t give a shit if he shoots me so full of holes I look like Swiss cheese.
I can get to him before that. I can do enough damage before I die that…
“As you will,” he says.
There’s another silent heartbeat. I hear footsteps echo.
Then, there’s just the sound of splashing.
I open the door.
The feelingof being watched is much stronger this time.
I’ve been coming every day to swim around the same time as the first day. At first, it was just convenient, but as the week wore on it’s more than that.
If someone was watching me that first day, they’ll probably come back. The notes came back. Once a day.Meet me in the garden.
Meet me in the garden near the mango tree.
Meet me in the garden under the banana leaves.
Meet me in the garden at two-thirty, on the bench near the fountains.
Each one is more and more specific, like whoever sends them is insistent on meeting with me, and they’re getting more frustrated by the day.
So this has to be the same thing.
But every day, I don’t see anyone. It’s just me, swimming laps in the pool, and Andrei guarding the door.
Andrei is getting impatient with me. I can practically feel it in my bones. I know that he wants an answer from me.