Big men have ankles as weak as anyone. Weaker.

Volkov howls, and goes down. Johnny dodges his body as it dips, and ducks towards me.

“Behind you!” he yells.

I spin just in time to move away from the Frenchman’s fist. I come back, knocking him down. I know it’s a good hit because the sound it makes is like pounding into a steak.

I know it’s a great hit when he doesn’t get up.


I turn to Johnny. Volkov is definitely reeling, but he’s rebounding quickly.

He, Johnny, and I are the only ones still standing.

Johnny looks at me, giving me a wink. “I’d rather it was you, man.”


Instead of punching him, I walk up behind and grab his neck, pressing my hand against his windpipe. Volkov watches me, his eyes narrow, with all the patience of a wolf.

Gently, I lay Johnny down, and Volkov and I circle each other.

I don’t have any formal training. I’m just fuckin’ winging this.

But I can tell that Volkov is not going down easily.

We feint a couple of times, each of us dodging in the other direction. He’s big but he’s fast, and while I took his ankle down earlier, he’s recovering well.

Still. If it’s bruised, he has a weakness there.

Let’s see where else you’re hurt, motherfucker.

I duck in, landing a hit on his side. He winces, grunting.Ribs.

I spin away from him as one meaty fist moves.

Shoulder. He’s slow on his right side.

Dancing behind him, I put a punch in his kidneys, and he groans.

That’s the spot.

Enough pain from a kidney and liver shot will be more than just debilitating.

If I hit him hard enough, he’ll pass out.

I grin.

Volkov grunts and dashes for me. I spin, but not fast enough. The pain in my shoulder is intense, to the point where I stumble for a second.

It’s enough of a pause that Volkov swoops in, roaring like a wounded boar.

He hammers in another shot to my collarbone, and I hear something crunch.

That’s not good.

There’s a gasp that has to be Marisol. I turn, instinctively, toward the sound.