He’s glaring at me. Pacing, slightly, from side to side.
“Yeah. Crazy motherfucker,” I murmur.
Moretti leans forward and whispers in Marisol’s ear. She nods, and rises from her seat, following him into the house.
I don’t like that. Why did she follow him so quickly? Why…
“You want me to go after them?” Johnny asks.
“Andrei Moretti will wipe the fucking floor with you, man.”
“Fair enough. So what’s the plan?”
I watch them go.
I have to talk to her. I know that. She’s… shocked. Probably confused. If I were her, I’d have a ton of questions.
But right now?
I have to wait. There’s too much at risk, and I have no doubt that the second I get close, Moretti’s going to push me the fuck away.
I sigh and look back. “The plan, motherfucker, is to win.”
Spinoli grins. “Hell of a plan, Dino.”
It’s not a plan.
It’s the only option.
Marisol is mine.
Anyone who stands between us is going to get laid the fuck out.
Crazy motherfucker, indeed.
Bernadino Drakos.
I still can’t believe it.
Is he under some kind of assumed name?
How did he get here?
Has that always been his name, and I just didn’t know it?
What is he supposed to be an heir to? He can’t say that he’s here for the De Lucas. He also can’t be here as a Rossi.
It sounds Greek. Is it Greek?
I’m sitting on my bed, staring at my hands. I’m still wearing the stupid evening dress. I have no idea where all of the… candidates are sleeping.
Or if they’re even here.