My dad is spending so much time preparing for the arrival of the cast of felons that he’s trying to marry me off to, he literally doesn’t have time to talk to me.

And honestly, I am truly not complaining. It gives me time to just… sit. Be thoughtful. Meander around the house.

I sleep a lot. I think that’s a very important thing, because I’ve heard that when you sleep, your mind essentially runs a protocol where it gets rid of things it doesn’t need.

Maybe my brain just needs to do a lot of deleting in order to feel better.

Paulo, and his goons, are the biggest threat. They follow me around the house, lurking where they shouldn’t. Three days after my mother’s disappearance, they’re making me feel uneasy.

A feeling that keeps growing through the day.

I’m in the shower, thinking about Dino, when I hear the doorknob to my shower rattle. I’ve long learned to lock doors in my father’s home, so at first I don’t worry about it. Someone might have come into my bedroom, because the bathroom is connected to it, but I didn’t lock that door.

I think.

Either way, locking the bathroom door definitely happened, so I manage to keep my shower going.

Then, I hear something else.

A key.

Sliding into a lock.

I freeze, not sure what to do. The water beats on my shoulders, and I’m still covered in soap.

The key sound clicks. Then, there’s quiet, just for a minute. The doorknob turns…

Oh God.

Someone’s coming in.

I look around the shower, grabbing the razor I use to shave my legs like it’s going to be some kind of weapon. Maybe I can slice sideways with it? Or I guess if I just press hard enough, I can rip someone’s skin apart with it. I’m still contemplating how to best use it as a weapon when I see the door creak open, just slightly.


I hold the razor up, ready to slash whoever is coming through that door…

Then, it stops, and I hear a muffled sound. Several of them, actually, including some pretty hefty noises that could be someone falling down.

Or someone being pushed down.

Either way, I need to figure out what the hell it is that I’m working with.

Quickly, I rinse myself off and grab a towel. I pull my long hair up into it, and then step into the fluffy robe that’s on the back of the door. Gripping the razor, I cautiously pad over to the door.

It’s quiet out in my room.

Too quiet.

My heart is slamming in my throat. I’m not sure if I want to open the door and see what’s going on out there at all. The best-case scenario is that one of Paulo’s people came into my room to get me, and he just… got lost.

The worst-case scenario is…


“It’s safe, Marisol,” I hear a soft, dangerous voice say.

I know that voice.