The spray.

“Oh my God,” I whisper out loud. “She drugged me.”

Leave it to my mom to drug me and put me in my own room, then disappear.

Swearing, I swing my legs out of bed. The persistent fist slamming on my door continues. “I’m here,” I murmur, my voice not quite back online yet.

I swing the door open. It’s Paulo, one of my father’s head goons. “What?” I say, trying to play up my sleepiness as much as possible.

“Where the fuck is your mother?” he hisses.

I narrow my eyes at him. “How should I know?”

“You were with her! You made that bargain with your father for her safety. You two were planning something,” he snarls.

“If I was planning something, why would I know where she is now?”

“Because you didn’t want us to stop her!” he barks.

His words confirm that my father was not, in fact, going to honor his word with me.

Ice creeps over my features. “Go away, Paulo.”

One of his meaty hands slams onto the doorframe, and I wince.

“I’m warning you, bitch, that if you…”

There’s a strange, juicy noise. Like someone cutting into a steak.

Paulo’s face, inches from mine, contorts into a grimace and he looks up.

There’s a knife sticking out from the center of his hand, grown in the middle of it like some kind of sick mushroom.

I gasp and step back. Paulo goes to remove it, but a flash of metal reveals another knife, this one as his throat.

“I would not do that if I were you,” a cold voice slithers over his shoulder.

Paulo’s eyes widen. “Moretti… you fucking…” he grunts, but the knife, and the elegant hand that holds it, press deeper into his neck.

“I would not do that if I were you,” Andrei repeats softly.

I shiver. The threat in his words is palpable. It’s no wonder that he doesn’t talk all that often.

Andrei Moretti’s voice is as violent as any part of him, and it’s scary as hell.

Paulo is sweating. He tugs, yelping as the knife pinning his hand shifts slightly. “If I fucking can’t use my hand…”

“You can. I made sure to only hit muscle, not a tendon. But if you keep bothering Marisol, I’m going to not only sever all the tendons in your hand, I will take this knife right here—” Paulo yelps and a thin trickle of blood starts to cascade down his throat “—and I will use it to peel the skin off your body. I will make you watch as I take your muscles apart, one by one, and you’ll have to hold them while I do. I don’t hear screams, Paulo, so no matter how much you yell, I will still keep going.”

“Fucking monster,” Paulo spits.

I can barely see Andrei’s face from where I’m standing, but as Paulo spits the words at him, I see a flicker of something surprising.


At Paulo?

I’m not sure, but Moretti’s lip curls in a sneer as he continues. “I am a fucking monster, Paulo. And I’m the monster who will rip you apart if you dare to bother her again. So will you fucking leave, or do I need to begin?”