Her eyes are so brown, they look black in the night. Her skin looks velvety smooth.
Her lips are lush, and they bow into a perfect shape...
I'm being so fucking creepy. "I'm not dead," I clear my throat and say again. "Just..."
"You're like falling down drunk."
I nod. "Yeah."
She looks me over. "Are you staying here?"
I narrow my eyes. "Why do you care?"
"Because, asshole,' she tips her hips, her feet widening like she's squaring up. "I walked out and found someone who I thought was dead on the sand dunes, and I don't really want to walk away feeling like you'll be dead after I leave."
"Why do you care?"
The question is a little harsh, but it's true. She's a total stranger. Why does she care even a little about a stranger on the beach?
She sighs. "Because I'm a nice fucking person. And I can't be a nice person without being nice. And it wouldn't be very nice of me to walk away if I saw a dead body on the beach, now would it?"
I blink.
She stares at me. "So. Are you staying nearby? Do you have friends that could come fish you out of... this?" she gestures to the sand.
"Uh. Yeah."
"Okay. Well, are you gonna call them or what?"
"Don't have my phone."
She curses softly in Spanish, which explains the light accent that I've been hearing. "Do you know which hotel you're in?"
I can't exactly lie to her. Something about her keeps me from doing what I normally would, which would be pretend to be fucking fine and tell the other person to go to hell.
Instead, I tell the truth.
"I don't remember," I say.
Her beautiful eyes widen. "So. Your plan was... to pass out here and wait until morning?"
"Yeah," I nod.
The girl heaves the biggest sigh that I've ever heard in my entire life. She curses again in Spanish, and I know enough to recognize that she's calling me an asshole and an idiot.
I'm both of those things.
But for some reason, coming from her, it hurts.
To my shock, she extends a hand to me. "Come on," she says, her fingers flexing. "Let's go."