I narrow my eyes. “The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I’m your brother. I’m not going to let you die. So come with me, and we can make sure that you at least stand some chance of making it out of this with your fucking life.”
Despite my clear reluctance, Marco takes me back into Elio’s house. No one else is in the kitchen; it’s just the two of us.
I’m aware that anyone could be listening, but I have a feeling that Marco’s handled that as well.
I can’t think about the details, anyway. All I can think about is Marisol, and the way that Caterina looked at me with so much pity in her face.
The fact that she looked at me like it was a done deal. Like Marisol wasn’t going to come back.
Like it was over for me, and she was getting ready to watch my heart break.
Before I even knew what was coming.
Marco gestures to the kitchen table. I fold my arms and stare at the chair he’s indicating, and he huffs.
“You don’t have to be so disagreeable,” he snapsas he settles into a seat.
“What the fuck do you want with me, Marco?” I growl.
His eyes narrow. “You’re acting awfully testy for someone who doesn’t have a lot of fans to begin with.”
Thanks, brother.
I glare at him.
Marco sighs. “Dino. If anyone deserves the hatred, it’s not me.”
“It isn’t?”
I growl. “How can you say that, Marco? You’re the one who lies to your family constantly.”
“Have I lied to you, Dino?”
I narrow my eyes.
Marco tilts his head to the side slightly. “There are many times, I admit, that I am not entirely forthcoming with the information that I have. But I have never once misled you. I have always protected you, brother, even when you came to me with your biggest mistakes.”
“Marisol and the girls are not a mistake,” I seethe at him.
He shrugs. “They may not be. But there have not been many intentional decisions made on your part around them.”
“You motherfuc….”
The insult dies in my throat as Marco silences me with aglance.
I hate that he can do that to me.
“My point, brother, is that you do not make a great deal of decisions with purpose. You often act, and then deal with the circumstances that arise. Or, you ask for my help in doing so.”
“And you hate that, don’t you?”
Marco shakes his head. “Dino, if I hated it, I wouldn’t help.”