It’s too fucking hot in this room. I can’t fucking breathe. I can’t…

I can’t lose her to someone else.

Not again.


I turn and grab the door handle, ripping it open. I don’t give a fuck that it bounces off of the wall as I fling it open and I storm into the hall.

I keep going until I make it out to the garden. To the front gate.

Then, I pause.

It’s dark. The woods around Elio’s estate are silent.

The night is so quiet, it feels like it’s suffocating me.

I open my mouth and I yell as loud as I can with my damaged vocal cords.

It’s a primal, feral sound. All of my rage, all of my anger, it’s all there, echoing out and ripping the silence of the night apart.

I don’t give a fuck that Elio’s security guards hear. I hope they do.

I hope the whole fucking world finally hears me for once.

When I’m done, my chest heaves and I stare down the driveway. I’m not sure exactly what I’m waiting for.

Because it’s not Marisol. Marisol, who walked away. Marisol, who left me.


“Well, I hope that felt good,” I hear Marco say from behind me.

I spin. “The fuck do you want?” I spit at him.

He stares at me, his eyes glimmering in the dark. My own anger, diffused by my random scream, seems to claw at me again.

It’s hard for me to look at Marco without becoming angry, if I’m being honest.

Dad always took much more time to spend with Marco than me. Hell, even Caterina and Sal got more attention from our sperm donor than I had.

Mom was a different story. But still, seeing Marco glare at me in the darkness…

He’s much more of a father figure to me.

And he looks so much like our actual father, broadcasting that same disappointment in me with every fucking muscle in his body, that I just want to wipe the expression off of his face.

Right as I’m about to scream at him, however, Marco’s face shifts slightly. He sighs.

“You’re going to go after her, aren’t you?”

I nod.

Marco’s face takes on an expression that I don’t necessarily recognize. It’s a shadow between his eyes that fades nearly as quickly as I notice it.

I’m still trying to figure out what that expression means when Marco sighs.

“You’re going to get yourself killed if you do it alone, you dick. Come with me.”