“This is going to fucking suck.”



Sal,Elio, Marco and I are sitting at the kitchen table. Caterina, having put the kids to bed, and Gia, who sits back with a taser like she’s some kind of sheriff, are lurking nearby.

Caterina refuses to speak to Marco. Ever since he showed his face, she’s absolutely refused to look at him, or talk to him. It’s clearly bothering Marco, and I heartily approve.

Good job, little sister. Don’t let him off easy.

I would be just fucking fine if I never talked to Marco again. Caterina, clearly, feels the same way. However, Marco has decided that this particular issue is of interest to all of us.

So, here we all fucking are.

Marco leans forward, putting his hands on the table. The gesture is so reminiscent of our dad that my eyes slide to the side.

I see Sal looking back at me, and I know he’s thinking the same thing.

If I’m going to experience Marco’s bullshit, at least it’s nice to have someone who knows what I’m going through.

Marco shifts, clearing his throat like he’s a king about to announce something. “Obviously I’ve been gone,” Marco starts.

I snort.

I can’t fucking hold it in. Marco saying that he’s been ‘gone’ is like saying a hurricane is a rainstorm. He vanished, completely and totally, and left us all in varying states of discomfort because of it.

I at least knew why, but it took a while to find him.

Annoying prick.

“If gone is what you wanna fucking call it,” I mutter under my breath.

Marco gives me a glance but doesn’t address the statement.

Somehow, that makes it even worse. I’d rather have him rage at me than just…. Sit there.

I drum my fingers against my arm. I’m not about to say where Marco’s been, and add even more chaos to this fire.

Since he’s supposedly been doing it to save my ass.

Marco shuffles, his hands resting gently on the table. “A while back, Dino came to me and told me that he had children with Marisol Souza.”

The room, which was already quiet, suddenly drops into dead silence.

My rage feels like it’s choking me. It tugs at my throat, and it’sall I can do to not hurl myself across the table and grab Marco by the throat.

How dare he fucking tell my business like this?

“Relax,” Caterina whispers to my ear. “If he’s doing this without a good reason, I’m going to scream at him.”

My anger diminishes slightly, with gratitude for my sister filling some of the space.

She brushes against me, offering me more comfort and I let her.

Marco levels Caterina and I with a stare.

I refuse to cower in front of him, and from Caterina’s stiffening next to me, I can tell she feels the same way.