
It feels like my chest is being ripped open again by one of Elio’s knives.

How could they not know about me?

Is Marisol ashamed that we…

“I have to give it to her. It’s a tough choice she made, but it’s the right one,” Sal says near Gia’s shoulder. “She knows exactly what she’s working with, and she knows how to protect the girls.”

The girls.

Who don’t know that I’m their father.

“I want to see them,” I say abruptly, looking at Marco.

He frowns. “Dino, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I don’t give a fuck what you think. They’re my girls. My daughters. My children,” I snarl at him. “I want to fucking see them.”


“Elio. You didn’t know about Luna. You know exactly what the fuck I’m going through right now,” I say. I give him a meaningful stare, hoping that he’ll fucking get with the program.

That he’ll know what I’m asking, because I’m not going to beg him.

This is the closest to begging that I’ll ever come.

“It seems that you did know about your children, Dino. You simply did not attend to your duties once you did.”

I’ll fucking kill him.

I throw myself at Elio, only aware that I can’t punch his smug fucking face because there are two sets of arms holding me back after some of the rage fades from me.

“Get him out of here,” Elio snarls.

I throw off Marco and Sal. “Fuck you,” I bark.

If they don’t want to help me get Marisol…

I’ll fucking do it myself.

I’m heading up to go get Marisol back from Moretti when I hear the sound of children’s voices.

I pause.

Slowly, I creep to one of the open doors in the long hallway. Inside, I can hear them.

Three little girls. Luna, my niece.

And my daughters.

“I didn’t know Elio was my dad,” Luna says casually. “But he was gone for a really long time and then he came back for me.”

There’s an awkward silence.

My heart gets that stabbing, aching feeling again.

“Our mom says we don’t have a dad,” one of my girls whispers.