Neither did I.
Having brothers like mine? Yeah. No fucking way was I going to try and stand in either of their shadows. Even my sister is a badass, and I just can’t hold a candle to them. Marco just graduated business school. Sal is in fucking Yale. Caterina is probably going to be a lawyer or some shit.
And then there's me.
No one expected much of me, honestly. My mom cried like a baby when I graduated high school a few years ago. I could tell that she didn't think I'd make it.
Neither did I.
For the most part, I don't give a fuck that I don't go to school. I like working on the docks for De Luca Shipping. It suits me. No one cares that I'm loud and mouthy and as prone to getting in a fight as I am doing my fucking job.
It suits me.
At this point, most of the guys have even forgotten that I'm the boss' son. I should remind them every now and then, but honestly...
I don't want to.
It's kind of freeing to not be Dino De Luca when I'm with them.
I just get to be... me.
And Jayce and Brent are part of that freedom.
But, since none of us actually went to college, none of us had a college-style spring break.
So, we decided to make our own.
This trip?
This is it.
I finish pouring the drink, mixing a soda into it, and the boys do the same. I hold up my red cup. "To failing and still being fucking great," I say.
Jayce and Brent clink glasses with me and we all drink. The vodka burns my throat going down, and I take a deep breath after.
I look at my friends. "Well, let's find the fucking girls, yeah?"
While I typically consider myself to be a pro at day drinking, I have to admit that nine hours later is kind of a long time to be really fucking drunk.
It's getting old at this point.
We've been to the beach. We've had some food at some point, but it's sitting poorly in my stomach. Now, Jayce is somewhere unknown, and Brent has been trying to get the same girl to give him her number for an hour. The club is outside, on the beach, and the pulsing lights and grinding music are giving me a headache.
I need some fucking air.
Slowly, I rise, my feet feeling weirdly unstable under me. I trip forward, tumbling toward the edge of the party, where the crowd wanes and the actual ocean starts.
The music is still loud, but it's fading.
I look to the left of me. The hotels and bars curve away to the right, but to the left it looks.. quiet.
While I was deeply engaged in spending my day drinking, the sun slipped below the horizon, and now...
Well I can't exactly see stars, but it's nice to see darkness for a change.
I lurch toward the promise of stars, and the sounds of the party slowly fade away from me.