It’s never been worth the risk.

“So you thought you’d be safe in Florida,” Sal says softly.

Of course I did. “I never would have put my kids at risk, De Luca,” I respond.

The room seems to react to that.

I get the impression, pretty immediately, that everyone in this room would do whatever it takes to keep their kids safe.

“And you’re here because…. Holy shit,” Gia’s eyes widen. “He came for you.”

“He did. He took my mom. The twins and I made it out, and drove north. We made it to Hoboken before he found us.”


God, I’m afraid to even say his name. I harden myself. He’s not some kind of spirit; I can’t summon him by speaking the word three times. “Andrei. My father’s… assassin.” For lack of a better word.

I guess you could say he’s a fixer. He’s my father’s go-to guy, and he’s terrifyingly amazing at what he does. Had he been present that day in Brasilia, I have no doubt that Gia and I would not have escaped.

I think at the time, he was in Morocco, but I can’t be sure.

He’s like the Terminator.

We barely managed to escape him, but he’s the one who gave me the epic knife wound on my stomach.

Elio’s face twists. “Andrei Moretti?”

“I see you’ve heard of him,” I say darkly.

“You’re lucky to be alive,” he responds. Turning, Elio grabs his phone and starts barking orders in Italian.

I hope he’s doubling the guard. Tripling it, even.

Not that it will matter. Andrei is absolutely insane. I’ve seen him walk into a field of government soldiers and come out alive.

Alive, and the only survivor.

“Whatever you’re doing, it won’t matter,” I call to Elio. “He’s after one thing.”

Gia’s face looks pale. “Let me guess… you?”

I nod sharply. “I.. I didn’t know where else to go,” I say honestly. “I knew that I needed to get the twins to safety, and…”

And I knew, in my heart, that their father would look out for them.

Or, if nothing else, their Zia Gia would.

“They’re safe with us,” Gia assures me.

I nod. “They will be. He doesn’t want them. He only wants me. ”

Gia’s eyes widen. “No, Marisol. You can’t…”

“I can,” I whisper. “I have to.”

Surely she understands that.

“As soon as I can, I’m going to go findhim. I’m going to let him take me back to my father. I just… I needed to know that the twins were safe.”