I turn. “You think so?”
Dino smiles. “I know so.”
“Shoot,” I whisper.
Dino holds me close, I sigh into his arms.
This is a mess.
But as I lean back, my father’s letter in my hands, my world re-forming around me, I realize something.
I can do this.
I have everything I ever wanted. Dino. The girls. My mom. All safe. I have everything I dreamed of.
But now?
I look down at the letter, and smile.
Maybe there are some new dreams.
And with Dino, with my family?
Maybe it’s time to see what other joys the future holds for me.
I’ve never really thought that another life is possible for me.
I’m ready for the adventure.
“Okay. Everyone get together for a picture!” I yell.
Trying to wrangle our brood of children, however, is way harder than just telling them to get in for a picture.
Especially with all the cousins.
And today, since the combined Rossi and De Luca clans are all here?
There’s really a lot of cousins.
The twins and Luna have the most attitude, of course. Well into their tween years, I dread to know what they’re going to be like as teenagers.
It’s going to be a nightmare.
“Listen. All you little… kids,” Dino snarls. “Listen to Marisol! She wants a freakin’ picture!”
Begrudgingly, they all move together.
“Okay!” I yell, putting the camera on the self-timer feature. “Here we go!”
I dash over to the group, hoping we all get in the frame.