I hum. “My mother wants a villa.”


“The girls are going to need to go to school.”

“On it,” Dino grins. “I’ll build you a fucking palace, Marisol, I?—”

“You are my palace, Dino,” I whisper. “You’re the home I need. Where you are, I am home. Just be there, and I’ll be happy.”

Dino doesn’t say anything.

He presses a kiss on my head.

“My heart is yours. My home is yours. And I’m yours,” he murmurs.

I tug him close.

Dino is mine. I’m his.

And together, we’re going to build the future we’ve always dreamed of.


Six months later

I’m going to kill that motherfucker.

I slam the door to my office open, the wood shaking as it cracks against the frame. With all the emotions raging through me, I can’t hardly hold myself upright.

The light breeze smells like lemons and lavender.

It’s fucking nice.

I can hear laughter out by the pool, and I know where he is.

My feet stomp on the teak floor around the pool deck. Nico and Marisol are watching the girls play in the pool. I can see Marisol’s mom, napping on her own chair under an umbrella.

My target, though, is my fucking cousin.

“Nico!” I bark

He turns from where he’s laid out, lounging in one of the chairs. “Yes, cousin?”

“Did you order fucking French wine for your goddamn bar?”

“Language,” Marisol sings gently.

I flare my nostrils. “Did you order freaking French wine for your bar?” I repeat softer.

The girls are still playing in the pool, clearly completely oblivious to the fact that I’m standing on the deck about to rip my cousin in half.

“French wine is for a higher-paying client,” Nico says, the smile curling across his lips.

Fucker. “You don’t have higher-playing clients.”

“But I want them.”

“Your bar was on the ‘Best Budget Travel’ for college student’s list. Your clients are university students from London, who are using their parents’ pin money to f…fund their vacations where they can fu… chase after anything that moves,” I seethe.