So close to seeing my children again.
My girls.
My angels.
So close to being a family.
I turn. I need to ask Dino. “Dino, what…”
“We’re here,” he cuts me off.
I try not to be disappointed.
I asked for this, didn’t I? I wanted to go back to the girls.
Dino never promised anything other than that.
Maybe I read too much into it. Maybe he doesn’t want… to be a family with me.
I shut my thoughts down.
All that matters right now is getting back to my girls.
The car door opens, and I run out. I don’t wait for Dino. I don’t wait for Nico. Elio and Gia and Sal are at the front door, but I don’t stop.
I briefly look at Caterina. “The girls?”
She smiles. “Playroom.”
It’s all the encouragement I need.
I fly down the hall, my feet barely touching the ground. Soon, I’m at the playroom door. I push it open, slowly.
I can’t see. My eyes are flooded with tears. Words catch in my throat, and I can’t get them out.
I don’t need to.
The girls are in my arms. I’m holdingthem.
I lose myself in the moment.
Time passes, but I have no idea how much. Eventually they wiggle out of my arms, chattering and tugging at my hands, begging me to come see their dolls and their artwork and a million other things.
I follow them.
“Oh good. You made it,” I hear a familiar voice.
I turn, sagging with relief. “Mãe.”
My mother smiles, tugging me in close. “I told you I would find them, didn’t I?”
I don’t have a response. Because instead of using words, I let the tears that I’ve been holding back for weeks loose.