He turns, winking. “We’ll be flying coach back to New York.”
“With what money?”
“The cash that your dear brother, my cousin…. Once removed? Ah, I don’t know,” he mutters something in Greek. “It doesn’t matter. Marco has offered us an alliance that was altogether too enticing.”
“Of course he fucking did,” I growl.
Nico glances at me. “You did not want to be saved? I probably will not take you back to the camp because I rather wish to not be shot by Brazilian soldiers, but I can take you if you wish.”
I open my mouth, but Nico laughs. “Actually no, I cannot do that. Marco has offered a lifeline.”
“He fuckin’ sold me to you, didn’t he?” I saybitterly.
“Then what’s the fuckin’ deal?”
Nico gives me a sideways look. “To talk to you. Take you where you want to go. So that you can make… an informed decision about your future.”
I bristle.
Marisol leans back. “I just want to get back to my children,” she says quietly.
Softening, Nico looks at her. “You are so close, beauty. So close.”
“Shut your fucking mouth when you talk to her,” I snap.
His eyes wrinkle with something that looks an awful lot like he’s happy. “That would be quite hard, no? How do I talk to this lovely creature with my mouth shut?”
“YOU don’t. I do. Fuckwit,” I growl.
Nico laughs. “Oh, cousin. I am so glad to know you.”
“I’m not.”
“Marco told me of your demeanor. How you are… what did he say? A ray of sunshine,” he grins.
I’m going to kill him.
And Marco too.
“Dino is wonderful. He’s just a little tired and stressed right now,” Marisol says from the backseat. “He’s going to be just fine once we get the hell out of here.”
“And that, we shall, beauty.”
Eventually, the Jeep rolls up to… the airport. Like the full on, actual airport. Nico gives us passports, wallets, and smiles.
“Shall we?”
I have no fuckin’ clue how he pulled this shit off.
Plane tickets. Passports. Border questions. Nico is a polyglot, just like Marisol, and the two of them sound like fuckin’ kittens as they chat in Portuguese with the border patrol agents. The documents, though, are good, and they pass inspection.
The tickets are first class. We have an entire section to ourselves. The seat folds out into a bed.
Because Marco, apparently, has a sense of fuckin’ humor.