“Naí, beautiful lady,” Nico practically purrs.
I’m going to punch this motherfucker’s lights out.
Growling, I move to do that, but Marisol’s hand on my elbow keeps me still.
“Dino,” she whispers. “He can take us back to the girls.”
“I will take you wherever you want to go, beautiful, so long as we leave this place right now. I fear my disguise is ah… done,” he says.
Sure enough, there’s shouting nearby, and I have a feeling that those soldiers are going to come ripping through the camp at any moment.
“Dino,” Marisol says softly.
She doesn’t need to beg.
“Fucking hell. If you fuck with us, I’ll rip your stomach out and feed it to you,” I snarl at Nico.
He smiles, his grin broadening. “I like you.”
“Fuck off,” I snap.
I grab Marisol’s hand, and we follow my…cousin.
I’m still not used to the words in my mouth, and they taste like ash sitting there.
Nico, however, leads us on a winding path through the tents and workers of the relief camp, until we pop out the edge. There’s a Jeep there, stashed underneath a tarp, and he whips it off and starts the Jeep quickly.
“In!” he yells at me.
I help Marisol into the back seat, then get into the passenger side.
As soon as the door snaps shut, he slams on the accelerator and the Jeep roars away.
“How do I fuckin'know you’re who you say you are?” I say once we’re rolling through the city.
Nico shrugs. “You could probably check my passport, if you needed to.”
“I fuckin’ need to.”
“Good. This type of attitude is very nice. It’s going to work out for us,” he says calmly. He rifles through the center console, handing me a gun in the process, and then whips out a passport.
Sure enough.
“Nicolas Drakos,” I read. I look up at him. “Did you forge this shit?”
“It’s nice that you think we have enough money for a quality fake,” Nico remarks dryly.
I narrow my eyes. “The fuck does that mean?”
“It means, dear cousin, that you, and your connections to the Rossi family, are the only lifeline that our small family has to survive.”
What the fuck?
Marisol leans forward from the backseat. “What do you mean?”
Nico sighs. “The story goes that my uncle, your father, was desperately in love with the woman who would marry the De Luca heir. She found him favorable enough, it seems, but the De Lucas ruined us in an attempt to bring her back into the fold. She caved, bringing my beloved cousin with her, and leaving us completely… broke,” Nico announces.