One of the soldiers, a tall, dark-haired man with silver dashed through his thick hair, is staring at us with curiosity.

There’s a gun in his hand, but it’s pointed down.

He shot Andrei.

“I’m Dino. De Luca,” Dino says.

The man’s eyebrows raise. “Is that the name you choose?”

I swear I can hear Dino’s heart beating in his chest.

Slowly, he moves. “My father… my biological father… might have been a Drakos,” he murmurs. “But I don’t know what that has to fuckin’ do with you.”

The man stares for a minute longer.

Then, his face breaks into a huge smile, and he says something…

In Greek.

“English, fucker,” Dino snarls.

The man winks, and something about his face sets my heart at ease a little. He moves closer, and Dino steps in front of me.

The man pauses, noticing the gesture, then bows slightly. “Ah, I heard that you only speak English. Pity. My name is Nico Drakos. It’s nice to meet you…





The world is roaring around me. Andrei still moans, writhing on the ground, but it’s a background sound compared to the blood rushing in my ears.


“The fuck are you doing here?” I snarl at him.

Nico, who looks to be a little older than me, bows. “Oh, your brother sent me.”


For a second I’m confused. Do I have another fucking brother to deal with?

“Yes. Marco?” Nico says.

My jaw is on the fuckin’ ground.

“Anyway. Marco got in touch with me, and I am here to takeyou to Greece with me.”


Fuck no.

“Hell fucking no,” I growl. “I’m not going fucking anywhere with you.”

“Can you get us back to New York?” Marisol peeps from behind me.