Too much, Marisol. Too much.

“It’s just something I’m telling people. Just to make sure we can get out of here and no one is looking for us.”

“I see,” he says.

Dino shifts back, and I feel the loss of him everywhere.

I frown. “Did I say something wrong?”

Dino sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “What if I’m a shitty husband?”

Well, we haven’t really talked about that as an option yet…

“What if I’m a shitty father, Marisol? It’s not like I had a good model,” he murmurs.

My heart aches. “Dino. Everyone has to learn to be a parent. It doesn’t really matter who taught you… you have to learn on your own.”

“You want that? Being my wife. More kids,” he says.

His voice sounds hollow.

I raise an eyebrow. “Yeah. I mean. Isn’t that what you want? You keep saying I’m yours…”

“You are,” he growls.

“That’s what it means to me,” I say quietly.

Dino looks at me.

I have no idea what his expression holds. There are so many emotions there, they’re hard to pull apart.

I don’t know what to ask him. How to ask it.

How to get him back. How to keep him from going thousands of miles away from me in his mind.

How to show him that he can be a good dad, a good husband…

If he wantsto.

My stomach, however, rumbles, breaking the moment.

Dino looks down. “You’re hungry.”

“No, I’m fine, I…”

He pulls back, dragging his pants on, and bringing my clothes to me. “Let’s go eat,” he says.

The air, warm from our bodies still, suddenly feels cold.

I dress, then follow Dino out of the tent.

My heart is heavy. Dino doesn’t think he can be a parent, or a partner.

And I don’t know what that means for me…

Or for us.

The food, predictably, is plain. Easy. Nothing to write home about. Dino and I sit by ourselves, off in the corner. His eyes are roaming the crowd behind us, seeking out the crowd.