Hope flutters in my chest.

I stand, ready to wade through the rapidly solidifying mud and find the house, when he grabs my ankle.

I look down at Benicio.

He blinks. “Save her,” he whispers.

Then, his face goes slack, the rain gathering in his open mouth as he rasps.

I’m not sure what to do. This feels like… an anticlimactic way for him to end.

But I have to find her.

Turning to where I think the source of the mud came from, I wade forward. I fight every step of the way, thick pools of it sucking at my feet, threatening to drag me under. There are trees and rocks and what look suspiciously like bodies in the muck, but I don’t give a single fuck about them.

Marisol is the only thing that matters to me.

Finally, I see something. In the darkness, something starts to look suspiciously like a light.

The house.

I stride forward.

As I get closer, the mud dragging at my legs, I hear something that makes me move a whole lot faster.

A woman, panting and struggling.

And the growl of a man.

Fucking hell.

I fight forward.

The house is demolished. The light that I’m seeing is a flickering porch light, halfway sunk into the mud.

But the roof, a corner of it, and part of the space that overlooks the courtyard where we were just standing, remains strangely untouched.

And underneath it, I see two shapes.

One is undoubtedly Marisol.

And the other…

Has his fucking hands on her.

After that, I don’t think.. Rage, pure and clean, powers me through the mud. My body feels like it’s possessed by something that I can’t quite name as I race toward her.

I’m going to kill him.

I reach her just as she falls.

The man is just one of her father’s goons. I don’t know who. Don’t give a fuck. Because as soon as I lift up one of the large rocks that the mud brought forward, it’s all over for him.

I crack it across the back of his head, blood mixing with the mud that’s soaking us, and he tumbles down.

Right across Marisol.

She screams, and I grunt, pulling him off of her. The mud is thinner here, clearly at the edge of the lava-like mud flow, and the man gets to his feet quickly.