What the fuck is this?

Everyone turns, looking around, but I’m the only one looking at the house when I hear the creak of trees screaming as they’re being moved.

Then, I fucking know exactly what’s going on.


“Marisol!” I yell. I take a step toward her. She’s less than ten feet from me, and I know that I could get to her if I just…

Before I know it, I’m punched in the ribs by something solid, and my world turns dark.

I’m tumbling.

Over and over, the world rotates around me. I tuck myself into a ball, just trying to keep the rocks that I can feel pelting me from hitting something important.

My mind offers helpful images of being stuck through by a tree branch.

I’m in a mudslide.

I never in my life thought I would be in a fucking mudslide. Not once.

And here I fucking am.

I have to get out of here before I’m buried.

I have no idea how to do that. I don’t know what’s up. I have no idea if I’m pointing down.

I just fuckin’ pray, and start moving.

The air is burning in my lungs by the time my fingers hit something that feels like air.

I pull myself up, coughing the dirt out of my mouth as I come up to the top of the river of mud that’s cascading around me.


The world is still moving. I sip air before taking another huge pull with my arms. I need something to hold onto. I need…

A tree appears next to me, and I grab it, hauling myself up on the trunk.

The mud, at least, appears to be slowing down. It’s solidifying around me, and while that’s not a good sign, at least I can crawl out around it.

I think.

The tree feels solid underneath me, which is fucking good. I pull myself up, trying to survey the surroundings.

The rain, and the darkness, make me completely lose sight of everything, and my heart squeezes with terror.


I have to find her.

I have no fucking clue where I am or how far away from the house I am. The mud must have exploded over the house, and I don’t know if it’s buried or swept away or…

Fuck it.

“Marisol!” I scream.

Silence greets me.