My heart sinks.

The scene in front of us seems to pause. Benicio, from his safe position behind the melee in front of him, stands.

“What are you doing out here, Marisol?”

We all turn to look at her.

My heart stutters.

She’s so fucking beautiful.

Even just wearing sweatpants and a long-sleeve sweater, she’s fucking stunning.


I want to rip everyone’s eyes out just for looking at her.

Moretti’s ugly fucking face, however, ruins everything. He steps in front of her, glaring at the crowd.

Benicio moves to the steps, standing next to his daughter. “This is not for you to see,” he says.

Marisol holds her chin up. “I think I want to see who is causing all of this chaos, if it’s someone that I’m going to chain myself to for life,” she says in a clear voice.

It strikes me then, that even though I have this urge to protect her and I want to take her away from all this…

Marisol is kind of a badass.

All five-foot-two of her is glaring at the lot of us like she’s a fucking queen. Her head is held high, twin braids containing her riot of curly hair, and she glares down her nose, making her dad’s men visibly cringe.

I quickly squash the grin that’s forming at the corner of my lips.

My girl.

She’s so fucking brave.

I don’t think I’ve given her credit for that before, but now…

I will.

“Marisol,” Benicio says, exasperated. “Go back inside. You’ll catch your death in the rain…”


His tone seems genuinely concerned.

I blink.

Does Benicio Souza actually… care about his daughter?

The whole situation is bizarre. The Russian and the guards are frozen, mid-fight. Moretti has wandered over to them, his feet squelching in the mud of the courtyard like the rest of us.

And Marisol, standing on the patio, a queen surveying her kingdom.

“Father, I…”

Marisol pauses.

The hair on the back of my neck stands straight up as a rumbling sound reaches me. It sounds like… thunder. Except it’s a lot louder. And the ground under my feet is starting to shake, ever so slightly.