“No way, motherfucker. You’re gonna have to make me shut up. Unless you need a fuckin’ minute to figure out how?” I taunt.
I don’t miss the ghost of a smile crossing Benicio’s face…
Or the thunder in Volkov’s.
“You. Be. Quiet,” he rumbles. He takes another step toward me…
I’m not restrained or anything. But if I can get him to throw the first punch, then I can start a fuckin’ riot with his big dumb body.
And that’s the fuckin'vision.
“Yeah, I’ll bet you want me to be fuckin’ quiet. Because it’s hard to listen to words, isn’t it, big guy? Yeah, giving you brains was about as useful as puttin’ a fuckin’ screen door on a submarine…”
That does it.
Volkov howls, coming at me with a punch. I dodge, rolling under him, the mud coating my back as I move toward the circle of guards.
Volkov is big. I wasn’t fuckin’ kidding about that. But big means slow. Big means inertia.
And in mud like this?
Big is a wide fuckin'door for an accident.
Volkov manages to pivot and comes in after me. The mud squelches under his feet. Directly behind me, I can practically feel Benicio’s apprehension.
Which is exactly the fuckin’ point.
Bearing down on me, the Russian snorts like a pissed-off bear. I see him raise his fist in almost slow motion.Wait. Wait. Wait….
I dodge to the side.
The punch that he had for me sails forward, though, and goes straight for Benicio.
I hear the guards yell.
Rolling to my feet, I grin.
The guard nearest Benicio jumped in front of him. He might have been talked into this shit by Volkov, somehow, but right now, his primary priority is the man who pays his fuckin’ bills.
The Russian’s meaty fist lands on the guard.
Which prompts another guard to move forward, swinging his fists.
Which bringsanother guard in…
I grin.
Complete fuckin’ chaos.
As the guards go after Benicio, the rain pelting us all, I quickly move backward. If I can sneak around to the side entrance, provided it’s not underwater, then I can get in through the pool door, and get Marisol…
“What the hell is going on?” I hear a clear voice ring out.