Eventually we get to the door that’s keeping Luca’s cell closed.

Johnny blinks at me. “You got keys?”

“You don’t know how topick a lock?” I fire back.

Johnny sighs. “No, I didn’t learn that either.”

Fucking hell.

Digging the pins in my pocket that I stashed just in case, I kneel down. I can barely hear the lock over the noise from the cells around us, but eventually it clicks.

I move quickly up and tug at the door handle. It opens.

“Jesus fuck,” Johnny breathes.

Luca looks fucking bad.

He’s curled into a ball on the floor, which is not even remotely dry. Water laps dangerously close to his mouth, which looks like it’s open so he can breathe.

I think he can breathe, anyway.

“This motherfucker is not going to be able to get out of here,” Johnny murmurs.

“Help me get him up,” I snap.

But, I’m thinking the same fuckin’ thing.

Slowly, we help Luca up. The groan he releases is a good thing, as it tells me that he’s alive.

Until now, I wasn’t fucking sure.

“Luca,” I say, listening to the rattling breath rasping in and out of his lungs with concern. “You fuckin’ good, man?”

“I… Just…”

“He’s in no condition to travel even if we had a fuckin’ five-star service to get us out of here,” Johnny hisses. “How the fuck are wegoing to..”

“Luca,” I say, ignoring Johnny. “Johhny here is in contact with Marco. He’s going to get you to whatever drop point he has, and then you two are getting the fuck out of here.”

Luca’s eyes flutter. “What…”

“Can you do it?” I demand.

I know I’m not being nice. I know that I’m being intense.

But fuck.

Luca has to be able to walk out of here. Johnny can’t carry him.

He has to be able to do it all on his fuckin’ own.

Johnny grunts as Luca’s knees go a little weak.

Fuck. “Luca,” I bark. “Do you want to get back to see your wife and kid or do you not?”

Luca’s eyes snap open at that.

“If you want to fucking die in this rathole that’s on you. I ain’t gonna make you go. But shit, if you want to get the fuck out of this fucking piece of shit place…”