He’s also incredibly easy to set off if just the mere mention of me sleeping has this reaction. Andrei must be tense right now, a caged tiger that’s been kept here for too long.
That could work in my favor…
Or be incredibly dangerous.
I smile at him again, hoping to keep the flirtation going. “Are you here to walk me to breakfast?”
“As I am every day,” he says softly.
I stare at him. “Well, are you going to offer me your arm?”
“Do you want it?”
It’s a question.
Underneath his tone, I can feel his trepidation. My chest aches because even in that question— even seeing him, the stone-cold assassin, standing in front of me— I can sense that it’s not just the adult Andrei asking.
It’s a little boy, desperate to be accepted.
I could answer him. I have the words to.
But it’s going to be a lie.
And I do not like to lie… at least not so directly.
“I would like to be taken to breakfast,” I respond instead.
Andrei studies me for a little longer, then offers me his arm. I tuck my hand into the crook of his elbow, moving forward as I do.
“I wonder what fresh hell my father has for them today,” I chirp softly.
Andrei whistles. “A wet one, Marisol.”
I laugh, but it sounds too bright.
Everything about this feels wrong, and my dread increases.
I don’t know what to do. But I have to get out of here alive.
And I have no clue how to do that.
The dreamof Marisol gives a lightness to my step that I have to get under control. I don’t want Andrei to get suspicious, or for Benicio to notice
Having her body twist against mine in the rain was…
Pretty fuckin’ incredible.
It’s still raining the next morning, which is a sweet reminder of the way she tasted with raindrops against her skin.
It’s enough to make a growl rasp through my broken vocal cords.
Marisol is fuckin’mine.