I don’t want to live like this. I don’t want to be forced to choose between the options that are least favorable to me.
I want to live my own life.
For me.
Sobs rock me, and I clutch myself, holding my knees closer.
I want Dino. I know that I do. But I don’t think that Dino is the path to the life I want, either. He said that he wants us to get to know each other, so that I would choose him.
But he said it like it was inevitable.
I misjudged Andrei.
Maybe I’ve misjudged Dino too.
I wake the next morning feeling drained. My heart aches and I want to talk to my kids, and I want to talk to my mom.
And the rain is still coming down.
The compound is somewhat up on a hill, but there is still even more hillside above it, covered in jungle. I’m sure that the jungle can absorb a lot of water, so I shouldn’t be too concerned but…
It feels like a lot of rain.
More than that, I feel doomed. Like there’s something hanging over me, and a pervasive feeling of something bad happening.
And happening soon.
It’s just the challenge, I tell myself as I glide out of my room, wearing more practical jeans and sneakers today. I know that my father is going to have a meltdown that I’m not wearing a dress, but I want to be comfortable and warm today.
Sneakers it is.
My father’s challenge, to interrogate the traitors in his ranks, is brutal. It’s just like him. Last night I know that Volkov had his turn with them, and this coming day it will be someone else.
I don’t want to see what happens to them. I don’t want to know.
And I don’t want to see what happens when Dino gets to them.
If I do…
It would ruin the image that I have of him in my mind even more.
I don’t want Dino to be as brutal as my father. I don’t want him to be as cold and reptilian as Andrei can be.
I want him to be different.
He isn’t, Marisol. Stop being a silly little girl and grow up.
“Marisol,” Andrei says, greeting me with a chilly tone.
I steel myself.
Andrei is a crucial piece in my happiness right now. I need to keep him happy in order to keep him away from Dino.
So I smile at him, pretending to soften. “Good morning, Andrei,” I say, intentionally lowering my voice. “I slept so well,” I purr.
His eyes flash, and I see lust in their dark depths.