By morning, he was gone.
Chapter 41
Cadi hadn't been sure she wanted to visit, but Eila had called, her voice warm as always, and Derrik had grumbled something about missing his favourite doctor.
So she packed a fresh salad and grilled mackerel with mustard sauce-because Derrik's health wasn't great, no matter how much he pretended otherwise-and drove down with Tomos.
She was worried about running into Regan, only about punching her in her lying face.
And she was grateful she did not have to face that dilemma.
Eila opened the door as soon as he pulled into the drive. She looked just as she always had-freckles, bright hair, eyes sharp with intelligence. Cadi had inherited her colouring, but Eila had aged with a grace that Cadi wasn't sure she had in her.
There were fine lines now, little crow's feet at the corners of her sharp eyes, the kind that came from years of smiling, laughing, worrying. Her auburn hair, once as fiery as Cadi's, was now streaked with silver, the strands catching the light as she moved.
The years had settled into her skin, soft wrinkles at her neck, faint creases around her mouth-but it suited her.
Eila wore time like a woman who had lived every moment of it.
Derrik was already grumbling before she even set the food on the table.
"Fish an' bloody salad," he muttered, eyeing the plate like it had personally offended him. "Don't I deserve a bit of sausage an' chips in my old age?"
Derrik scoffed, eyeing the grilled mackerel with clear disappointment. "A little grease never killed anyone, y'know."
Eila shot him a sharp look. "No, but clogged arteries will."
Derrik huffed but picked up his fork, grumbling under his breath, "Bloody shame, wastin' a good meal without a bit o' batter and chips."
Cadi smirked, watching the exchange. "You're lucky Mam loves you enough to keep you alive."
Derrik grunted, taking a reluctant bite. "Aye, well, someone's gotta suffer for love."
Cadi smiled, but something about being back here, in this house-the house she'd grown up in, the house where Derrik had been more of a father to her than her own ever was-made her eyes tear up.
Eila must have noticed, because as they ate, she gave Cadi a long, searching look.
"I told him bits and pieces," she finally said, setting down her fork.
Eila watched Cadi carefully over the rim of her mug. "How's Gray?"
Derrik, who had been quiet for most of the evening, let out a low grunt, his expression set like stone.
Cadi sighed. "Better."
Derrik scoffed. "He bloody well better be. Put you both through hell he did. Needs a proper hiding."
Cadi shot him a look but didn't argue. She had t spoken to Eila over the phone about Callum's revelations, about the truth Gray had learned far too late. The shock had been immediate-Eila had gone silent, while Derrik , who had been listening, had cursed under his breath.
Now, Eila gave her a knowing look. "And what do you plan to do?"
Cadi hesitated. "I don't know."
Eila nodded, setting her mug down. "Then figure it out. But don't let anger make the decision for ye."
Derrik sighed, rubbing a hand down his face. "Cadi... have you spoken to Regan?"