"Jesus... thank God... oh, Christ, Cadi..." He looked up at her then, his eyes bright with emotion, with something raw and almost hopeful.
But Cadi wasn't smiling.
She wasn't relieved.
She was watching him, arms still crossed, her expression so cold, her eyes like ice.
And then—it hit him.
What he had done.
What he had put Tomos through.
What he had put Cadi through.
All the nights, Tomos had waited, confused why his Da wouldn't come tuck him in.
All the nights Cadi had cried without making a sound.
His stomach twisted violently. He was going to be violently ill.
The relief curdled into something dark, something sick.
He had gotten what he wanted—the truth.
But it didn't feel like a victory.
It felt like a death sentence.
Gray lowered the phone slowly, his hands trembling, and for the first time since this whole nightmare had begun—
He looked utterly, irreversibly broken.
Chapter 24
Gray went green.
Not just pale, not just shaken—sickly, ghostly green.
And then, before Cadi could process it, he bolted.
She followed the sound of hurried, stumbling steps, the slam of the bathroom door, and then—the violent retching.
Cadi stood just outside the door, expression impassive, listening as Gray emptied his stomach into the toilet bowl. Then she slowly opened the door.
The harsh, gut-wrenching sounds filled the small space, punctuated by gasps as he fought for breath before another wave hit him.
She did not move to comfort him.
Did not say a word.
She just stood there, arms crossed, watching the man who had destroyed their marriage fall apart before her eyes.
When the retching finally subsided, she turned and walked into the kitchen.
She opened a drawer, pulled out a clean towel, and filled a glass with water.
Then she walked back, standing in the doorway, waiting.