Suddenly, the air turned thick. It felt like pushing through the scum that forms over oil or dirty water.
“Just a bit longer,” Anjular called to the group.
Prisoners began whimpering. The air around them thickened to a physical force. Everyone began losing their footing as they continued pushing through the molasses-like atmosphere.
All at once, the feeling stopped, and the forest became bright. They moved through a scattering of trees that opened to a path made with gold pyrite flanked by scarlet sage and towering dark green hemlocks. The air smelled sweet, like honey mixed with cream. Dacias’s feeling of dread vanished, and he felt exuberant. He looked at Julen, whose eyes were wide as he gaped at the surroundings.
“By the Mother Planet…” Julen whispered.
The path continued along the corridor of beautiful blue, red, and purple flowers until they reached another clearing that led to a cobblestone road, revealing the most beautiful place Dacias had ever seen.
He and Julen gasped together, and Souzie whispered, “Fucking lethal!”
An exquisite kingdom stood before them. Stones made of pinkish rose quartz dotted the land. A gleaming castle of deep blue lapis lazuli withspires reaching high into the heavens sat upon a hill overlooking the land. A large crowd had assembled at the city center.
The prisoners gasped in awe. Some began crying. Dacias couldn’t imagine what they thought. After the years some of them spent in that hellish prison, they must have thought they died and were walking toward the great beyond where they’d finally find peace.
The Multarmirus made a horn-like call, and the crowd released a thunderous cheer as they turned and saw the group. Hoards of fae, with pointed ears and skin tones in every possible hue imaginable, threw flowers as they passed.
They made a path for the group, and each fae bowed as Anjular passed.
They finally made their way to the palace, where two grandly dressed fae rushed down the stairs and threw their arms about Anjular.
Julen looked around, his mouth agape. “I can’t believe this…”
Anjular led her parents to the four of them. “Father, Mother, this is Prince Julen of Lapistra. He freed me and the others from the blackness. And these are his friends. They fought bravely alongside us as we liberated the prison.”
The fae king reached his hand out to Julen. His saffron skin shimmered under the sun, and he wore a grand robe that stretched to the floor covered in gold and carnelians. “We are indebted to you all. Thank you for bringing our daughter home.”
The queen approached next. Her blue skin matched Anjular’s, but her hair was white as snow. Tears streamed down her face as she approached. “You are our honored guests and can stay as long as you’d like. Forever, if you wish. Our kingdom would be honored to welcome you all.”
Julen bowed, no doubt used to this kind of pomp and circumstance.
Julen cleared his throat before speaking. “Your generosity is appreciated more than you can know. We can’t thank you enough for your warm welcome. Many of the prisoners we freed are in dire need of aid. Might it be possible to ensure they receive medical attention?”
The king waved his hand in assurance. “Our healers have been informed of your arrival and are awaiting the prisoners’ arrival.”
Julen looked confused for a moment until Anjular smiled slyly and pointedto her temple. Julen smiled back and said, “I’m glad Anjular let you know of our circumstances. Again, we cannot thank you enough for your hospitality and care for our weak.”
The king smiled and waved for them to step aside. A grand speech followed as he proclaimed them heroes for saving his daughter. Anjular and her parents escorted the four of them to their rooms in the palace, which were extravagantly decorated with murals depicting fae in rich shades of orange and gold. Dacias assumed they were past rulers or heroes.
That night, a grand banquet was held in their honor, at which hundreds of fae nobles introduced themselves. They marveled at Julen’s powers. Never had the ancients described a being using the Black Arts for benevolence.
After the commotion, a fae servant escorted them back to their bedchambers. Dacias plopped onto the massive bed.
As Julen stood on the balcony attached to their room, quietly gazing at the moon, Dacias couldn’t help but marvel at his beauty. He strolled over to Julen and caressed his shoulder.
Dacias couldn’t believe it. His sweet, shy Arlo, who turned out to be Prince Julen of Lapistra, who had never even kissed a boy before Dacias, was now very likely the most powerful human on the continent, not to mention a champion at taking cock.And he loves me.Dacias couldn’t help but feel a bit smug about that.
He wanted to tell Julen how much he loved him. To say to him how unfortunate it was for his parents that they would never get to know someone as magnificent as Julen. He wanted to say all this but decided that showing rather than telling would be better.
He looked out into the distance and saw an emerald-green knoll with flowers scattered about it. It was situated in a parting of the evergreens, providing an excellent view of the moon. In time, the sun would rise, and they could watch the celestial bodies they loved so much. Dacias walked to his sack, which he had placed on an ornate table in the corner of the room. He reached inside to retrieve the gift. This was the perfect moment to give it to Julen.
It was a joint gift meant for both of them. Dacias couldn’t believeit when he saw it in Cupidor when he met Souzie and Julen to discuss the escape plan.
The little pouch had managed to stay in his pocket as he fled from the Rugirean guardians and swam across the glen to hide in the alcove. It remained on him as he traversed Lapistra to rescue Julen, and, by some miracle, he still had it.
Dacias leaned down to kiss Julen’s cheek. “How are you feeling, darling?”